Artículos científicos



  1. Computational simulations of the molecular structure and corrosion properties of amidoethyl, aminoethyl and hydroxyethyl imidazolines inhibitors. Corrosion Science, Volume 48-12, pp.4053–4064, 2006. 151 citas. Este artículo y otros similares dieron lugar a una serie de proyectos para la fabricación de inhibidores de corrosión y su aplicación en gasoductos y oleoductos. Los nuevos  inhibidores de corrosión son amigables con el medio ambiente porque se fabrican a base de aceites vegetales de coco, higuerilla, palma y aguacate. La eficiencia de estos inhibidores de corrosión orgánicos resultó sumamente competitiva y se distribuyen comercialmente desde 2015, actualmente con un volumen de 200,000 litros al año que incluyen oleoductos marinos que concentran la producción de la Sonda de Campeche. En esta línea de trabajo nos otorgaron las patentes US 9,573,905 B2, IMPI 366074 y IMPI 360320. Tenemos además otras en trámite.
  2. Lessons in Welding from the Mexico City Earthquake, Welding Journal, 66(3), 23, (1987). Este artículo y otros en esta línea reportan la investigación del desempeño de las barras de refuerzo de edificios derrumbados en el sismo de 1985 en la Ciudad de México. Se propusieron soluciones para llenar vacíos de productos, prácticas de ingeniería y aspectos normativos que derivaron en el establecimiento de nuevas normas oficiales mexicanas NOM H121-1988 que desde entonces regula el proceso de soldadura de barras de refuerzo en las obras civiles y la NOM B457-1987 que especifica barras de refuerzo de aleación especial para asegurar la continuidad mecánica de uniones soldadas, así como para extender la ductilidad y la tenacidad del acero con características elastoplásticas específicas para asegurar el mejor desempeño del acero en las construcciones durante eventos sísmicos. Asimismo, la investigación dio lugar a una modificación al reglamento de construcciones del entonces Distrito Federal para dar lugar a los dos cambios normativos federales anteriores. Se asesoró a la empresa SICARTSA para fabricar 20,000 toneladas de barras de refuerzo de acero soldable de alta ductilidad y tenacidad de acuerdo a la nueva NOM B457, experiencia que fue presentada como conferencia invitada en el World Materials Congress 1988 de la ASM en Chicago. Los resultados también se presentaron en el congreso de la Materials Research Society, MRS de 1989 y recibieron una mención en el Materials Forecast for the 1990's de ASM International donde se proyectaron las nuevas tendencias para la industria del acero de la década de los noventas. El Dr. Russell Chianelli, Presidente de la Materials Research Society resaltó la alta relevancia de esta contribución científica y tecnológica en la nota editorial del MRS Bulletin en abril de 1990. Durante mi gestión como asesor de Garantía de Calidad y Desarrollo Tecnológico, SICARTSA obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Calidad en 1988 y 1989.
  3. Hybrid CP System for an Airport Jet Fuel Pipeline, Materials Performance Vol. 48(8), pp. 40-44, 2009.  Este artículo reporta la ingeniería y construcción de la protección catódica para el control de corrosión específica para el diseño constructivo de los turbosinoductos de la Terminal 2 del Aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México. En esta línea diseñé las obras de protección catódica de cerca de 30 aeropuertos de las principales ciudades de México, sirviendo a ASA para atender  la exigencia de las aerolíneas internacionales de controlar rigurosamente la corrosión de los turbosinoductos. La modernización obligada de muchos aeropuertos mexicanos para recibir vuelos internacionales implicó nuestra participación en el establecimiento de nuevas prácticas de control de la corrosión para evitar perforaciones y entradas de contaminantes a los turbosinoductos a fin de lograr  máxima seguridad operativa a las turbinas de aeronaves.
  4. Pipeline Survey in Mexico Reveals Need for 100-mV Polarization CP Criterion, Materials Performance, Vol. 48, pp. 32-36, 2009. Este artículo y varios subsecuentes reportan la experiencia de crear soluciones a las necesidades de sistemas de control de corrosión de cerca de 5,000 kilómetros de ductos de PEMEX, incluyendo de manera preponderante las redes de ductos que alimentan y cruzan la Ciudad de México. Se reportaron hallazgos valiosos para configurar adecuadamente los campos eléctricos necesarios para dar protección catódica a los ductos. Gran parte de este diagnóstico fue tomado como eje en los programas de rehabilitación de los dispositivos de control de corrosión de ductos que desde esa fecha se siguen ejecutando incluyendo los aislamientos eléctricos, diseños de camas anódicas, evitar interferencias y los procedimientos de ingeniería a ser por ejecutados por especialistas certificados. Implantamos México el programa de certificación de NACE International aplicado a los ingenieros y técnicos petroleros, Las mejoras propuestas a las prácticas de ingeniería representaron un gran avance para controlar la corrosión. En esta línea de trabajo nos otorgaron las patentes US 8,388,816B2, US 9,689,075 B2, IMPI 312434, IMPI 34088 y otras se encuentran en trámite.
  5. The Human Factor, World Pipelines 2012. El artículo relata la experiencia de implantar programas de calificación y certificación de operarios del transporte de hidrocarburos por ductos en México para mejorar seguridad, confiabilidad y rentabilidad. Incluyó definir las competencias críticas de los operarios del transporte por ducto, la creación de manuales y la aplicación de un proceso de calificación y certificación del personal no profesional de PEMEX y su inscripción en el ISNetword donde se registran los programas de las empresas de ductos de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Existen cerca de 150 competencias críticas en los campos de operación y mantenimiento de ductos e instalaciones, incluyendo 43 relativas al control de corrosión. El programa originalmente establecido por el US Department of Transportation, fue adaptado a México en el mismo nivel de calidad que se aplica en Estados Unidos, Canadá y otros países. Se han certificado cerca de 1,200 de los 20,000 operarios de ductos de PEMEX y otras empresas en México.
  6. Review: on rare-earth perovskite-type negative electrodes in nickel–hydride (Ni/H) secondary batteries. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy. May 2017. Abrimos una línea en el campo de investigación en tierras raras para la sustentabilidad energética. Hemos contribuido al diseño de compuestos de tierras raras para almacenamiento de energía eléctrica, producción de hidrógeno, protección de dispositivos y catalizadores. Asimismo realizamos una investigación geológica en el territorio identificar minerales de alta concentración de tierras raras ubicando más de 300 localizaciones en el territorio nacional. Destacan con máximas concentraciones los elementos cerio, lantano, neodimio y otros de alta relevancia para la construcción de componentes críticos de equipos de generación y almacenamiento de energía sustentable e hidrógeno.
  7. Effect of microstructure on the stress corrosion cracking of X-80 pipeline steel in diluted sodium bicarbonate solutions, Corrosion 2002. 86 citas. El fenómeno de corrosión por esfuerzos afecta a enormes segmentos de la red de ductos de México, especialmente aquellos con varias décadas de servicio que son la mayoría. La corrosión bajo esfuerzos progresa en el acero de los ductos de una manera casi imperceptible y es causa de accidentes fatales y frecuentes. Se controla con riguroso mantenimiento de los recubrimientos y protección catódica robusta.




2019 182.      J. Porcayo-Calderon,  J.J. Ramos-Hernandez , E. Porcayo-Palafox  , L.M. Martínez de la Escalera, J. Canto  , J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Martinez-Gomez, Sustainable Development of Corrosion Inhibitors from Electronic Scrap: Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. En prensa

181.     Mohan Kumar Kesarla , Nallabala Nanda Kumar Reddy, Filiberto Ortiz-Chi, Claudia Guadalupe Espinosa-Gonzalez, Jose Gilberto Torres Torres, Norberto Hernandez-Como, Srinivas Godavarthi , Lorenzo Martínez-Gomez. Transformation of g-C3N4 into onion like carbon on nickel nanoparticles for ultrafast hydrogenation. Materials Chemistry and Physics.

2019 180.      N.S Flores-Garcia, C.D. Arrieta-Gonzalez, J.J. Ramos-Hernandez, G.K. Pedraza-Basulto, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. Porcayo-Calderon and L. Martinez-Gomez"Rare Earth-Based Compounds as Inhibitors of Hot-Corrosion Induced by Vanadium Salts". Materials 2019. En prensa
2019 179.      Dionicio-Navarrete M, Arrieta-Gonzalez CD, Quinto-Hernandez A, Casales-Diaz M, Zuñiga-Diaz J, Porcayo-Calderon J, Martinez-Gomez L., “Synthesis of NdAlO3 Nanoparticles and Evaluation of the Catalytic Capacity for Biodiesel Synthesis”. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2019 Oct 30;9(11). pii: E1545. doi: 10.3390/nano9111545.
2019 178.      John Henao, Yilber Pacheco, Oscar Sotelo, Maura Casales, Lorenzo Martinez Gomez, "Lanthanum Titanate nanometric poder potentially for rechargeable Ni-batteries: Synthesis and electrochemical hydrogen storage" (JMRT_2017_559). Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração – ABM. Vol. 8. Issue 1. pages 759-765 (January - March 2019) DOI:10.1016/j.jmrt.2018.05.019
2018 177.      D.M. Martinez de la Escalera, J.J. Ramos-Hernandez, E. Porcayo-Palafox, J. Porcayo-Calderon, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Martinez-Gomez. Effect of Nd3+ Ion Concentration on the Corrosion Resistance of API X70 Steel in ChlorideRich Environments, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 9328317, 15 pages.
2018 176.      J. J. Ramos-Hernandez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, J. G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, et al., Effect of the Noble Metals Addition on the Oxidation Behavior of Ni3Al, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2018, Article ID 1616340, 19 pages, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/1616340
2018 175.     Ernesto Ortiz, Lorenzo Martinez-Gomez, Jose Francisco Valdes-Galicia, Rocio Garcia, Marcos A Anzorena, Lorenzo M Martınez, An assesment of rare earth aluminates as possible radiation shields for artificial satellites in low Earth orbit Materials Sciences and Applications (2018). DOI: 10.4236/msa.2018.94029 
2018 174.      J. Zuñiga-Díaz, E. Reyes-Dorantes, A. Quinto-Hernandez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, J. G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, and L. Martinez-Gomez, “Biodiesel from “Morelos” Rice: Synthesis, Oxidative Stability, and Corrosivity, Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2018, Article ID 4595130, 11 pages, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/4595130
2017 173.      S.Godavarthi, K. Mohan Kumar, E.Vázquez Vélez, A.Hernandez-Eligio, M.Mahendhiran, N.Hernandez-Como, M.Aleman, L.Martinez Gomez, Nitrogen doped carbon dots derived from Sargassum fluitans as fluorophore for DNA detection, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,  Volume 172,  Pages 36-41 July 2017
2017 172.      John Dairo Henao, Oscar Sotelo, Maura Casales, L. Martinez Gomez Electrochemical performance of the rare-earth perovskitetype oxide La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 seeking its application as anode material for NI/MH secondary batteries. Metals and Alloys (2017). Vol. 6: 16.
2017 171.      An assesment of rare earths as possible radiation shields for artificial satellites. Ortiz E., Martinez Gómez L., Valdes-Galicia J.F., Garcia R., Anzorena M.A. Advances in Space Research  Vol.9 No.4, April 2018, PP. 430-439 ,  DOI: 10.4236/msa.2018.94029
2017 170.      John Henao, Lorenzo Martinez-Gomez. On rare-earth perovskite-type negative electrodes in Nickel Hydride (NI/H) secondary batteries. Mater Renew Sustain Energy (2017) DOI 10.1007/s40243-017-0091-7.
2017 169.      K. Mohan Kumara, M. Mahendhiranb, M. Casales Diaza, N. Hernandez Comoc, A. Hernandez-Eligiod, Gilberto Torres-Torrese, S. Godavarthif*, L. Martinez Gomez. Tannic acid assisted synthesis of CeO2 nanoparticles and their antimicrobial studies. Journal of Rare Earths (2017)
2017 168.      D.E. Millan-Ocampo, J.A. Hernandez-Perez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, J.P. Flores-De los Ríos, L.L. Landeros-Martínez, V.M. Salinas-Bravo, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Martinez. Experimental and Theoretical Study of Ketoconazole as Corrosion Inhibitor for Bronze in NaCl+Na2SO4 Solution. International Journal of Electrochemical Science (2017).
2017 167.      E. Reyes-Dorantes, J. Zúñiga-Díaz , A. Quinto-Hernández, J. Porcayo-Calderon, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, G.K. Pedraza-Basulto, L. Martínez-Gomez, Rice Bran as Source for the Synthesis of Imidazoline-type Inhibitors: Synthesis and Corrosion Performance. International Journal of Electrochemical Science (2017).
2016 166.      R. J. Salgado-Salgado, J. Porcayo-Calderon, O. Sotelo-Mazon, R. A. Rodriguez-Diaz, G. Salinas-Solano, V. M. Salinas-Bravo, and L.Martinez-Gomez. Effect of Ag Addition on the Electrochemical Performance of Cu10Al in Artificial Saliva". Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (2016).
2016 165.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, J.J. Ramos-Hernandez, Jan Mayén, E. Porcayo-Palafox, G.K. Pedraza- Basulto, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Martinez-Gomez. High Temperature Corrosion of Nickel in NaVO 3 -V 2 O 5 Melts. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (2017).
2016 164.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, R. A. Rodríguez-Díaz, E. Porcayo-Palafox, and L.Martinez-Gomez, Corrosion Performance of Cu-Based Coins in Artificial Sweat . Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (2016).
2016 163.      S. Godavarthi, J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, E. Vazquez-Velez, A. Neri, L. Martinez-Gomez. Electrochemical Analysis and Quantum Chemistry of Castor Oil-Based Corrosion Inhibitors, Current Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 1573-4110, Vol 12 (2016) 476-488, DOI: 10.2174/1573411011666150929233320.
2016 162.      M.E. Escalante-Perez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, E. Vazquez-Velez, M. Casales-Diaz, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Martinez-Gomez. Effect of the Depth of the Solution Layer on the Atmospheric Corrosion of Carbon Steel. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, ISSN: 1452-3981, Vol 11, No 1 (2016) 374-384.
2016 161.      K. Mohan Kumar, S. Godavarthi, E. Vázquez Vélez; M. Casales Díaz; M. Mahendhiran; A. Hernandez-Eligio; M.G. Syamala Rao; L. Martinez Gomez. Green Synthesis of Hausmannite Nanocrystals and their Photocatalytic Dye Degradation and Antimicrobial Studies. Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology, Vol. 80(2), pp. 396-401 (2016). DOI 10.1007/s10971-016-4136-7
2016 160.      J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, E. Vazquez-Velez ,L.M. Martinez de la Escalera, J. Canto, L. Martinez, Palm Oil-Based Imidazolines as Corrosion Inhibitor for Copper in 1.0 M H2SO4, Journal of Advanced Electrochemistry 2(3) (2016) 97–102.
2016 159.      Lakshmipathy R, M. K. Kesarla, S.  Godavarthi, C. M. Kukkambakam, L. Martinez-Gomez, N. C. Sarada*, “Synthesis of Zinc Sulfide Nanoparticles using green stabilizing agent and its dye degradation application” Research on chemical Intermediates (2016).
2016 155.      Mohan Kumar Kesarla, S.Godavarthi*, Karthik TVK, Muhilan Mahendhiran, Alberto Hernandez-Eligio, N. Hernandez-Como, V. Agarwal, L. Martinez Gomez, “TiO2 microstructures with multiple band light trapping property”. Material Letters, 183 (2016).
2016 154.      L.M. Rivera-Grau, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez and L. Martinez Gómez. Effect of Hydroxyethil imidazoline and Ag Nanoparticles on the CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel. International Journal of Electrochemical Science Vol. 11 (2016). Pages 80 – 94.
2016 153.      K. Mohan Kumar, S. Godavarthi, T.V.K. Karthik, M. Mahendhiran, A. Hernandez-Eligio, N. Hernandez-Como, V. Agarwal and L. Martinez Gomez, Green synthesis of S-doped rod shaped anatase TiO2 microstructures, Materials Letters, Volume 183, 15 November 2016, Pages 211–214. En prensa online.
2016 152.      A. Luna Ramírez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, Z. Mazur, V.M. Salinas-Bravo and L. Martinez-Gomez. Microstructural Changes During High Temperature Service of a Cobalt-Based Superalloy First Stage Nozzle. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 2016 (2016), Article ID 1745839, 7 pages, ISSN: 1687-8434,
2016 151.      S. Godavarthi, J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, E. Vazquez-Velez, A. Neri and L. Martinez-Gomez, Electrochemical Analysis and Quantum Chemistry of Castor Oil-Based Corrosion Inhibitors”, Current Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 1573-4110, Vol 12 (2016) 1-13, DOI: 10.2174/1573411011666150929233320.
2016 150.      M. E. Escalante, J. Porcayo-Calderón , E. Vazquez-Velez, M. Casales Diaz, J.G. González Rodríguez and L. Martinez-Gomez, Effect of depth of the solution layer on the atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel, International Journal of  Electrochemical Science, 11 (2016), 374-384.
2016 149.      O. Sotelo-Mazon, J. Porcayo-Calderón , C. Cuevas-Arteaga, G. Salinas-Solano, J.J. Ramos-Hernandez, E. Vazquez-Velez and L. Martinez-Gomez. Corrosion Performance of Ni-Based Alloys in Sodium Metavanadate, International. Journal of Electrochemical Science, 11 (2016) pp. 1868 – 1882
2015 148.      S. Godavarthi, J. Porcayo-Calderon*, M. Casales-Diaz, D.M. Ortega-Toledo, L. Martinez-Gomez, “Effect of the Nd, Pr and Co Content on the Electrochemical Response of Permanent Magnets”, Journal of Spectroscopy, 356027 (2015) 1

147.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, V. M. Salinas-Bravo and L. Martinez-Gomez, Corrosion Performance of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys in Artificial Saliva and Mouthwash Solution, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 930802, 14 pages,

2015 146.      Maritza Lopez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, Irene Carrillo, J. Canto, L.M. Martinez de la Escalera, C. Cuevas-Arteaga I. Regla, R.M. Melgoza-Aleman and L. Martinez-Gomez, Internal Corrosion Solution for Gathering Production Gas Pipelines Involving Palm Oil Amide Based Corrosion Inhibitors”, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, ISSN: 1452-3981, Vol 10, (2015) 7166-7179.

145.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, V.M. Salinas-Bravo, L. Martinez-Gomez.Corrosion performance of Fe-Cr-Ni alloys in artificial saliva and mouthwash solution”, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, ISSN: 1565-3633, Volume 2015, Article ID 930802, 14 pages,

2015 144.      S.Godavarthi, J.Porcayo-Calderón, E. Vazquez-Velez, M. Casales-Díaz, D.M. Ortega-Toledo and Martínez-Gómez, Influence of the chemical Composition in the Electrochemical Response of Permanent Magnets, Journal of Spectroscopy Vol. 2015. Article ID 356027, 16 pages.
2015 143.      M. A. Lopez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, Irene Carrillo, J. Canto, L.M. Martinez de la Escalera, C. Cuevas-Arteaga, I. Regla, R.M. Melgoza-Aleman, L. Martinez-Gomez, Internal Corrosion Solution for Gathering Production Gas Pipelines Involving Palm Oil Amide Based Corrosion Inhibitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 10 (2015) 7166 – 7179
2015 142.      O. Sotelo-Mazón, C. Cuevas-Arteaga, J. Porcayo-Calderón, Rosa Ma. Melgoza-Alemán, Ma. G. Valladares Cisneros, G. Izquierdo-Montalvo, L. Martínez Gómez, Electrochemical Study of the Corrosion Performance of AISI-309 and AISI-310 Exposed in NaVO3 at High Temperature, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 10 (2015) 9112 – 9130
2015 141.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, O. Sotelo-Mazon, A. Luna-Ramirez, E. Porcayo-Palafox, V.M. Salinas-Bravo, L. Martinez-Gomez, Electrochemical Behavior of NiAl and Ni3Al Intermetallic Coatings in 1.0 M NaOH Solution, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 10 (2015) 6241 – 6256
2015 140.      O.Sotelo-Mazón, C.Cuevas-Arteaga, J. Porcayo-Calderon, R.M. Melgoza-Aleman, M.G. Valladares-Cisneros, G. Izquierdo-Montalvo and L. Martinez-Gomez Electrochemical Study of the Corrosion Performance of AISI-309 and AISI-310 Exposed in NaVO3 at High Temperature”, , International Journal of Electrochemical Science, ISSN: 1452-3981, Vol 10, (2015) 9112-9130.
2015 139.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, V.M. Salinas Bravo, R.A. Rodriguez-Diaz, L. Martinez-Gomez, Effect of the NaVO3-V2O5 Ratio on the High Temperature Corrosion of Chromium, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 10 (2015) 4928–4945.

138.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, R. A. Rodriguez-Diaz, E. Porcayo-Palafox, J. Colin, A. Molina-Ocampo, and L. Martinez-Gomez, Effect of Cu Addition on the Electrochemical Corrosion Performance of Ni3Al in 1.0 M H2SO4, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 2015, Article ID 209286, 18 pages, DOI:


137.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, V. M. Salinas-Bravo, and L. Martinez-Gomez, Corrosion Performance of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys in Artificial Saliva and Mouthwash Solution, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications, Volume 2015, Article ID 930802, 14 pages, DOI:

2015 136.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, O. Sotelo-Mazon, A. Luna-Ramirez, E. Porcayo-Palafox, V.M. Salinas-Bravo and L. Martinez-Gomez Electrochemical behavior of NiAl and Ni3Al intermetallic coatings in 1.0 M NaOH solution. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, ISSN: 1452-3981, Vol 10, (2015) 6241-6256.
2015 135.      L.M. Rivera-Grau, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L. Martinez, Effect of Hydroxyethil imidazoline and Ag Nanoparticles on the CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 10 (2015).
2014 134.      Guillermo Salinas-Solano, J. Porcayo-Calderon, Jose Gonzalo Gonzalez-Rodriguez, V.M. Salinas-Bravo, J.A. Ascencio-Gutierrez and L. Martinez-Gomez, High temperature corrosion of inconel 600 in NACL-KCL molten salts. advances in materials science and engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation., Vol.2014, Pag.0-0
2014 133.      O. Sotelo-Mazon, J. Porcayo-Calderon, C. Cuevas-Arteaga, J.J. Ramos-Hernandez, J.A. Ascencio-Gutierrez, L. Martinez-Gomez, EIS Evaluation of FE, CR and NI in NAVO3 at 700 °C, Journal of Spectroscopy, Vol.2014, Pag.0-0
2014 132.      J.A. Padilla, A. Godoy, A. Alva, L.M. Martinez de la Escalera, and L. Martinez Gomez., Using digital image analysis to assess pull-off adhesion test results, Materials Performance, Vol.53, Pag.20-25 (2014)
2014 131.      M. Amaya, J. M. Romero, L. Martínez and R. Pérez, Mechanical properties of spray atomized FE- 40at% al alloys, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.5, Pag.29-33. (2014)
2014 130.      M. Amaya, J. M. Romero, L. Martinez and R. Pérez., Microstructural stability of spray atomized FE al alloys. ISSN 2229-5518 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.5, Pag.260-264 (2014)
2014 129.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, M. Casales-Diaz, L.M. Rivera-Grau, D.M. Ortega-Toledo, J.A. Ascencio-Gutierrez, L. Martinez-Gomez, Effect of the diesel, inhibitor and  CO2 additions on the corrosion performance of 1018 carbon steel in 3% NACL solution. ISSN: 2090-9063, Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, Vol.2014, Pag.1-10
2014 128.      J. Porcayo-Calderon, O. Sotelo-Mazon, M. Casales-Diaz, J.A. Ascencio-Gutierrez, V.M. Salinas-Bravo, L. Martinez-Gomez, Electrochemical study of NI20CR coatings applied by hvof process in ZNCL2-KCL at high temperatures, Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, Vol.2014, Pag.1-10
2013 127.      Luna-Ramirez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, G. Salinas-Solano, C. D. Arrieta-Gonzalez, Electrochemical Performance of Fe-Al intermetallic alloys with addition of Li, Ni and Ce in NaVO3 at 700°C, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8 (2013).
2013 126.      L.M. Rivera-Grau, M. Casales, I. Regla, D.M. Ortega-Toledo, J.A. Ascencio-Gutierrez, J. Porcayo-Calderon, L. Martinez-Gomez, Effect of Organic Corrosion Inhibitors on the Corrosion Performance of 1018 Carbon Steel in 3% NaCl Solution, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8 (2013) 2491 – 2503.
2012 125.      L.M. Rivera-Grau, M. Casales, I. Regla, D. M. Ortega-Toledo, J.G. González-Rodríguez, L. Martinez-Gomez. Corrosion Inhibition by a Coconut Oil Modified Imidazoline for Carbon Steel Under the Combined Effect of CO2 and H2S, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7(2012)
2012 124.      L.M. Rivera-Grau, M. Casales, I. Regla, D. M. Ortega-Toledo, J.G. González-Rodríguez, L. Martinez. CO2 Corrosion Inhibition by Imidazoline Derivatives Based on Coconut Oil. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7(2012).
2012 123.      L.M. Rivera-Grau, M. Casales, I. Regla, D.M. Ortega-Toledo, J. Porcayo-Calderon, L. Martinez-Gomez, Effect of Organic Corrosion Inhibitors on the Corrosion Performance of 1018 Carbon Steel in 3% NaCl Solution. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7(2012).
2012 122.      Hernán Rivera, Arturo Godoy Simon, Lorenzo M. Martinez de la Escalera, Jorge J. Canto, Lorenzo Martínez, and José A. Padilla, Carlos G. Lopez Andrade and Cecil H. Knight, Leonardo De Silva-Muñoz and Jorge A. Ascencio, Corrosion Assessment and CP Design for a Large Dry Dock in the Gulf of Mexico, MATERIALS PERFORMANCE, NACE International, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp.31-35(2012).
2012 121.      R. Soto-Espitia, J.R. Vazquez Gonzalez and L. Martinez-Gomez, Field Experiences in Corrosion Diagnosis and Remediation Solutions for the Bridge Infrastructure of Mexico, MATERIALS PERFORMANCE, NACE International. Vol. 51, No. 11(2012).
2012 120.      Diego M. Martinez de la Escalera, Lorenzo Martínez Gómez, Juan Carlos Sanchez Ghenno, Francisco Fernández Lagos. The Human Element. World Pipelines. Abril 2012.
2011 119.      D.M. Ortega-Sotelo, J.G. González-Rodrígez, M.A. Neri-Flores, M. Casales, L. Martínez and A.  Martínez-Villafañe.  CO2 corrosion inhibition of X-70 pipeline steel by carboxyamido imidazoline, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, vol.15, p. 1997-2004, 2011.
2011 118.      D.M. Ortega-Sotelo, J.G. González-Rodrígez, M.A. Neri-Flores, M. Casales, L. Martínez and A.  Martínez-Villafañe.  CO2 corrosion inhibition of X-70 pipeline steel by carboxyamido imidazoline, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, vol.15, p. 1997-2004, 2011
2011 117.      L M. Rivera Grau, M Casales, L Martínez, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, D M Ortega-Toledo, I Regla, and J Cardosos. Corrosion Inhibition by Synthesized Oleic Chains Imidazoline of Coconut in 3% NaCl Solution and CO[sub 2(g)] Saturated 3% NaCl Solution. ECS Transactions 36,151 2011.
2011 116.      D.M. Ortega-Toledo a, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. Casales, A. Martinez-Villafañe, L. Martinez Gomez, CO2 corrosion inhibition of X-120 pipeline steel by a modified imidazoline under flow conditions, Corrosion Science, vol. 53, p. 3780-3787 (2011).
2011 115.      Cacerez, M. Casales, D. M. Ortega-Toledo, J. Gonzalo Gonzalez-Rodriguez and L.Martinez Gomez, A Study of Monopropianate as a CO2 Corrosion Inhibitor for 1018 Carbon Steel, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 1, 174-181 (2011).
2011 114.      R. Lopez-Sesenes, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. Casales,  J.C. Sanchez, L. Martinez Gomez Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in 0.5M HCl by Monopropianate. International Journal of Electrochemistry Science.  Vol. 6 pp 1772 – 1784 ( 2011).
2010 113.      A.G. Reynaud Morales, L Martínez, A. Martínez Villafañe y J. Chácón Nava. Efecto de la imidazolina láurica hidroxietil en la inhibición de la corrosión de acero API-5L-X52 en salmueras acidificadas. Superficies y Vacío 23(S) 4-9, Vol. 8(2010).
2010 112.      Fernandez-Lagos, J. Maso-Mortera, C. Sanchez Magaña, and M.A. Lopez, J. Padilla, J. Canto, W. Villamizar, and L.M. Martinez de la Escalera, J.A. Ascencio and L. Martínez. Delamination Failure in a Three-Layer Coating on a 24-in Gas Pipeline, Materials Performance, Vol. 49, No. 12 pp 38,43, PP (2010).
2009 111.      V. Domínguez, JL Mora, A. Godoy, J. Canto, L.M. Martinez de La Escalera, L. De Silva and L. Martinez Gómez, Mapping it all out, World Pilelines, Vol. 11, pp 1-5(2009).
2009 110.      O. Flores, J. M. Zagal, A. Contreras, G. Rosas, R. Perez, and L. Martínez. Borides precipitation in the FeAl40 intermetallic compound produced by atomization-deposition process, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 68 (2009) pp 96-100.
2009 109.      M.A. Lucio-Garcia, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez , M. Casales, L. Martinez c, J.G. Chacon-Nava, M.A. Neri-Flores, A. Martinez-Villafañe, Effect of heat treatment on H2S corrosion of a micro-alloyed C–Mn steel, Corrosion Science, Corrosion Science Volume 51, Num. 10, October 2009, pp. 2380-2386.
2009 108.      M.I. Espitia-Cabrera, H.D. Orozco-Hernández, M.A. Espinosa-Medina, L. Martínez and M.E. Contreras-García. Comparative study of corrosion in physiological serum of ceramic coatings applied on 316L stainless steel substrate, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 68 (2009) pp 152-158.
2009 107.      L. M. Martinez-de la Escalera and J. Canto, A. Rios, H. Carrillo Calvet, H.C. Albaya, J.A. Ascencio and L. Martínez-Gomez, Hybrid CP System for an Airport Jet Fuel Pipeline, Materials Performance, Vol.8, pp. 2009.
2009 106.      J. Canto, L. M. Martinez-dela Escalera, H. Rivera, and A. Godoy, E. Rodriguez Betancourt and C.G. Lopez-Andrade, H.C. Albaya, N. Pesce, J.A. Ascencio and L. Martinez-Gomez, Pipeline Survey in Mexico Reveals Need for 100-mV Polarization CP Criterion, Materials Performance, Vol 4. 2009.
2008 105.      Valdez, S., Campillo, B., Pérez, R., Martínez, L., García, A. Synthesis and microstructural characterization of Al-Mg alloy-SiC particle composite, Materials Letters 62, 2623-2625 (2008).
2008 104.      J. M. Zagal, H. F. López , O. Flores, J. L. Albarran and L. Martínez, Microstructural Effects on the Hydrogen Permeation of an Inconel Alloy 690. Corrosion Science, Volume 50, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 3371-3377.
2008 103.      W. Villamizar , M. Casales , L. Martinez , J. G. Chacon-Nava and J. G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Effect of chemical structure of hydroxyethyl imidazolines inhibitors on the CO2 corrosion in water–oil mixtures, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 12(2008): pp.193-201.
2007 102.      W. Villamizar, M. Casales, J. G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez and L. Martinez,  CO2 corrosion inhibition by hydroxyethyl, aminoethyl, and amidoethyl imidazolines in water–oil mixtures, Journal of Solid State Electrochemestry,Volume 11, Number 5(2007).
2007 101.      A Aguilar, J.L. Albarran, H.F. Lopez, L. Martinez. Microstructural response on the cracking resistance of alloy 600, Materials Letters, Vol. 61, pp. 274-277(2007).
2006 100.      W. Villamizar, M. Casales, J. G. Gonzales-Rodriguez, L. Martinez, An EIS study of the pendant group in imidazolyne as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in CO2. Materials and Corrosion, Vol. 57, Num. 9. Pages 696 – 704 (2006).
2006 99.   Luz Marıa Rodriguez-Valdez, W. Villamizar, M. Casales, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Alberto Martinez-Villafañe, 6666L. Martinez, Daniel Glossman-Mitnik, Computational simulations of the molecular structure and corrosion properties of amidoethyl, aminoethyl and hydroxyethyl imidazolines inhibitors. Corrosion Science, Vol. 48, pp. 4053-4064, 2006.
2006 98.   J. L. Albarran, O. Flores, L. Martínez, B. Campillo, E. Sanchez, and C. Angeles. Properties of reinforced glass with crystalline particles. Materials and manufacturing processes. Vol. 21, pp.115-119 (2006).
2005 97.   Espitia-Cabrera, M. E. Contreras-García, P. Bartolo-Pérez J. L. Peña, .J. Reyes-Gasga Y L. Martínez “Recubrimientos de circonia depositados por electroforesis sobre acero 316l Revista  Mexicana de física 51 (3) pp. 311-315  (2005).
2005 96.   JG González, I Rosales, M. Casales and L. Martínez, Corrosion resistance of molybdenum silicides in aqueous solutions, Journal of Solid State Electrochemestry, Vol. 9 Num.10 (2005).
2004 95.   W. Villamizar, M. Casales, G. Gonzalez and L. Martinez, Corrosion inhibition of a carbon steel in oil water CO2 emmulsions using nano scale imidazolines. Enviado a Journal of Science and Engineering of Corrosion. 2004.
2004 94.   JG González, I Rosales, M. Casales, S. Serna and L. Martínez, Corrosion performance of molybdenum silicides in acid  solutions, Materials Science and Engineering A 371, pp 217-221(2004).
2003 93.   Rosales, JH Schneibel, L. Heatherly, JA Horton, L. Martinez, B. Campillo, High temperature deformation of A15 Mo 3 Si single crystals, Scripta Materialia  Vol. 48, Pages 185-190 2003.
2003 92.   M Espinosa-Medina, M A, Porcayo-Calderon, J, Martinez, L, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J G, High temperature corrosion performance of FeAl intermetallic alloys in molten salts, Materials Science and Engineering A [Mater. Sci. Eng. A], vol. 349, no. 1-2, pp. 12-19, 25 May 2003.
2002 91.   Romero J.M.; Angeles-Chavez C.; Martinez L.; Amaya M. , Localised biological corrosion of X52 steel exposed within sea water pipelines, British Corrosion Journal, Volume 37, Number 2, July 2002, pp. 117-121(5).
2002 90.   J. L. Albarran, A. Aguilar, L. Martinez and H.F Lopez, Corrosion cracking behavior in an APIX80 steel exposed to sour gas environments, Corrosion, the Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 58, No. 9, pp. 783-792(2002).
2002 89.   J. G. Gonzalez, M. Casales,  V.M. Salinas , J.L.Albarran and L Martinez, Effect of Microstructure on the SCC of X80 Pipeline Steel in Dilute NaHCO3 Solutions, Corrosion, The Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 58, No. 7, pp. 584-590(2002).
2002 88.   J.M. Romero, C. Angeles Chavez, L. Martinez y M. Amaya, Localised biological corrosion of X52 steel exponed within sea water pipelines, British Corrosion Journal, Vol 37, No. 2, PP. 117- 121(2002).
2002 87.   E Alonso, L. Martinez, W. Martínez and L. Villaseñor, Mechanical properties of concrete elaborated with igneous aggregates, Cement and Concrete Research, Elsevier Science, Volume 32, Number 2, February 2002, pp 317-321.
2002 86.   W. Martínez, E. Alonso, L. Martínez and V.M. Castaño “Preparation and characterization of ancient  lime  masonry mortars”, Advanced Composite Letters Journal, Volume 11, Number 1, pp 33-36, May, 2002 .
2002 85.   C. Angeles-Ch, J.L. Mora, R. Garcia, O. Flores, and L. Martinez, MIcrobiollogically induced corrosion by Citrobacter in sour gas pipelines, Materials Performance, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 50-55(2002).
2001 84.   M. Amaya, J. M. Romero, and L. Martinez (2001) Corrosion Induced for a Novel Aerobic Bacteria Isolated in an Offshore Injection System. Corrosion: November 2001, Vol. 57, No. 11, pp. 999-1003. doi:
2001 83.   R. Torres and L. Martinez, Bacetrial Induced Corrosion in a Geothermal Power Plant, Materials Performance.Vol. 40, pp 46-50 (2001).
2001 82.   R. Torres-Sanchez and L. Martinez, Corrosion of 304 Stainless Steel induced by Thermophilic Sulfate Reducing Bacteria of  a Geothermal Power Unit, Materials and Corrosion. Vol.52, pp.614-618 (2001).
2001 81.   M. Amaya, J. Porcayo-Calderón and L. Martínez, Electrochemical Studies on the High-Temperature Corrosion of Silicon Iron Coatings and FeAl Intermetallic Alloys by Molten Salts.  Journal of Science and Engineering of Corrosion. Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 489-496(2001).
2001 80.   M. Casales, J.G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. Amaya and L Martínez, "Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Behaviour of Atomized Fe40Al Intermetallics". British Corrosion Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 65-69(2001).
2001 79.   M.A Espinoza, M. Casales, A. Martinez Villafañe, J. Porcayo-Calderon, L. Martinez. and G. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Hot Corrosion of Atomized Iron Aluminides Doped with Boron and Reinforced with Alumina, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 300, pp. 183-189(2001).
2000 78.   J.G. Gonzalez Rodriguez, B.J. Llanos Alvarezand L. Martinez, Electrochemical Noise Generated During Pitting Corrosion of Sprayed Fe40Al Intermetallics, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters. Vol. 3, Num. 10, pp. 470-472(2000).
2000 77.   M.A. Espinoza Medina, A. Martinez Villafañe, J. Porcayo Calderon, G. Izquierdo, L. Martinez and G. Gonzalez Rodriguez, Oxidation Behavior of Atomized Fe40Al Intermetallics Doped with Boron and Reinforced with Alumina Fibers, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance., Vol. 9, No. 6, pp.638-642(2000).
2000 76.   L. Martinez, Unusually High Lead and Chrome Contents of Paints in Mexico , Materials Technology,  Vol. 15, Number 1, pp. 80-84 (2000).
1999 75.   J. Porcayo, G. González y L. Martínez, High Temperature Electrochemical Evaluation of Si-Based Coatings Applied by the  HOVOF  Method, British Corrosion Journal, Vol  34, No. 4 (1999).
1999 74.   J.L. Albarran, H.F. Lopez and L. Martinez, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Stress Corrosion Resistance of a Microalloyed Pipeline Steel, Corrosion Science, Vol. 41 (6) 1999, pp. 1037-1049.
1999 73.   H. F. López, B. Bharadwaj, J.L. Albarrán and L. Martínez, The Role of Heat Treating on the Sour Gas Resistance of an X-80 Steel for Oil and Gas Transport, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, Vol. 30A, September 1999, pp.2419-2428.
1998 72.   Lopez, A. Wong. A. Teran, A. Velasco and L. Martinez, Mechanistic Aspects of Carburization in Oil Fired Power Plants, Materials and Corrosion, Vol. 49, pp. 272 – 277(1998).
1998 71.   J.L. Albarran, L. Martinez and H.F. Lopez, Role of quenching and tempering on the sur gas resistance of an X-80 steel. British Corrosion Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp202-205(1998).
1998 70.   L. Martinez, M. Amaya, J. Porcayo-Calderon and E. Lavernia, High Temperature Electrochemical Testing of Spray atomized and deposited IronAluminides Alloyed with Boron and Reinforced with Alumina Particulate, Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. A258, pp. 306-312 (1998).
1998 69.   J. Genescá, C. Rodríguez, J. Juárez, B. Campillo and L. Martínez, Assessing and Improving Current Efficiency in Magnesium Base Sacrificial Anodes by Microstructure Control, Corrosion Reviews, Vol. 16, Nos. 1-2, 1998.
1998 68.   J.L. Albarran, H.F. Lopez and L. Martinez, Crack Growth in a  Welded Microalloyed Steel Under Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking Conditions, Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 7, No.6, pp 777-783 (1998).
1998 67.   J.L. Albarrán, L. Martínez and H.F. López, The Sour Gas Susceptibility of an X-80 Steel for Oil  Gas Transport, Scripta Materialia,  Vol. 38, pp.749-755 (1998).
1998 66.   J. Porcayo-Calderón, J.G. González-Rodríguez and L. Martínez, Protection of Carbon Steel Against Hot Corrosion Using Thermal Spray Si- and Cr-Barsed Coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.  Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 79-87 (1998).
1997 65.   L. Martinez, O. Flores, M. Amaya and E. Lavernia, The Role of Alumina Particulate in Microstructural and Forging Properties of Spray Atomized and Deposited Fe-Al Ordered Intermetallic Compounds, Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 65-76(1997).
1997 64.   O. Flores and L. Martinez, Abnormal Grain Growth of Austenite in a V - Nb Microalloyed Steel, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 22, 5985-5991 (1997).
1997 63.   R. Torres, A. Magaña and L. Martinez, High Temperature Microbial Corrosion in the Condenser of a Geothermal Electric Power Unit,  Materials Performance, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp.43-46(1997).
1997 62.   Campillo, C. Rodríguez, J. Genescá, J. Juárez, O. Flores and L. Martínez, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Efficiency of Mg Anodes, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 6, No. 4, 449-453 (1997).
1996 61.   Parra, J.J. Carpio and L. Martínez, Microbial Corrosion of Metals Exposed to Air in Tropical Marine Enviroments, Materials Performance, Vol. 35, Number 10, pp. 44-49, (1996).
1996 60.   B. Campillo, R. Pérez and L. Martínez, Study of Aging and Embrittlement of Microalloyed Steel Bars, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 5(5), pp. 615-620, (1996).
1996 59.   D. Romero, L. Martínez and L. Fionova, Computer Simulation of Grain Boundary Spatial Distribution in a Three‑Dimensional Polycrystal with Cubic Structure, Acta Materialia, Vol. 34 (1), pp. 391‑402, (1996).
1996 58.   H. F. López, R. Raghunath, J.L. Albarrán, and L. Martínez, Microstructural Aspects of Sulfide Stress Cracking in an API X‑80 Pipeline Steel, Metallurgical Transactions A, Vol. 27A, No. 9, pp. 3601-3611(1996).
1995 57.   L. Martínez, Recent Developments in the Search of Ultra Hard Materials, Journal of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 48, (1995).
1995 56.   J. Porcayo‑Calderón, S. D'Granda and L. Martínez, Silicon‑Based Thermal‑Sprayed Coatings in Utility Boiler Components, Materials Performance, Vol.  34, Number 12, pp. 32‑37, (1995).
1995 55.   L. Martínez, J.J. Carpio and C. Arganis, Corrosion and Physical Properties of Microalloyed Rebar, Materials Performance, Vol. 34, pp. 14‑17, Number 6, (1995).
1995 54.   J.H. Schneibel, L. Martínez, Atomic Force Microscopy of Slip Lines in FeAl, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 2159‑2161, (1995).
1994 53.   L. Fionova, J.A. Juárez-Islas, R. Pérez, J.L. Albarrán, O. Flores, L. Martínez and Yu. Titovtes, The Effect of Local Texture on Crack Propagation in Fe‑Al Ordered Alloy, Scripta Metallurgica et Materiala, Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1619‑1622 (1994).
1994 52.   J. J. Carpio, G. Hernández and L. Martínez, Severe Corrosion of a Gulf of Mexico Bridge, Materials Performance, Vol. 33, No. 33, pp. 12‑16 (1994).
1994 51.   J. Juárez-Islas, R. Pérez, J.L. Albarrán, O. Flores and L. Martínez, SEM and HREM characterization of precipitation in a boron microalloyed steel, Material Letters, 21 (1994), 197‑202.
1994 50.   R. Pérez, J. A. Juárez‑Islas and L. Martínez, Structure Transformations of the Quasicrystalline Phases in Quaternary Alloys, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. A181/A182, pp. 823‑827, (1994).
1994 49.   R. Pérez, J.A. Juárez‑Islas and L. Martínez, Quasicrystalline Phases in Alloys of Al‑Cu‑Co‑Fe Obtained by a Gravity Chill Casting Technique, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. A 181/A182, pp. 837‑840, (1994).
1994 48.   D. López, A. Wong and L. Martínez, Unusual Superheater Tube Wastage Associated with Carburization, Materials Performance. Vol.  33, No. 12, pp. 45‑48, (1994).
1993 47.   R. Pérez, A. Arizmendi, J. Juárez‑Islas and L. Martínez, Formation of Quasicrystalline Phases in Al‑Cu‑Co‑Fe Alloy Obtained Using a Gravity Chill Casting Technique, Journal of Materials Research, 8(5), 985, (1993).
1993 46.   L. Martínez, The Relationship of Physical Metallurgy and Corrosion, Journal of Metals, Minerals and Materials, 45(9), 21, (1993). Artículo de presentación como editor huésped.
1993 45.   D. López López, A. Wong Moreno and L. Martínez, Corrosion Process Involved in Boiler-Tube Failures, Corrosion Science, Vol. 35, pp. 1151-1158,  (1993).
1992 44.   J. L. Albarrán, J. Juárez‑Islas  and L. Martínez, Nitrided Width and Microhardness in H‑12 Ion Nitrided Steel, Materials Letters, 15, 68‑72, (1992).
1992 43.   L. Martínez, Progress in Understanding Grain Growth and Its Importance, Journal of Materials, Metals and Minerals, JOM, 44‑9, 15, (1992). Artículo de presentación como editor huésped.
1992 42.   V. Castaño, H. Sánchez, E.I. Arita y L. Martínez, Preparation and Characterization of a Natural Fiber ‑ Polymer Resin Composite, Materials Letters, 15, 108, (1992).
1992 41.   L. Martínez, R.K. Willams, and W.C. Oliver, Characterization of YBaCuO‑x in a Mechanical Properties Microprobe, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 26, 7, (1992).
1992 40.   J.A. Juárez‑Islas, R. Pérez , J.L. Albarrán, V. Rivera and L. Martínez, Development of High Strength, High Conductivity Copper Alloys by Rapid Solidification, Journal of Materials Science Letters 11, 1104, (1992).
1992 39.   B. Campillo, O. Flores, J.L. Albarrán, J. Juárez‑Islas, R. Pérez, D. López and L. Martínez, Dissolution and Coarsening of Large Niobium Carbonitrides in a Microalloyed Steel, Journal of Materials Science, 27, 1365, (1992).
1992 38.   R. Pérez, J. Juárez‑Islas, L. Martínez, B. Campillo y J.L. Albarrán, On the Phase Transformation Between the Quasicrystalline to Crystalline Phases in Alloys of Al‑Cu‑Fe‑Co, Metallurgical Transactions A, Vol. 23A, pp. 3161‑3166, (1992).
1991 37.   J.L. Albarrán, J. Juárez‑Islas, B. Campillo, R. Pérez and L. Martínez, Some Preliminary Results on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Solidified Nickel‑Based Superalloys, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol. 25, pp. 1611‑1616, (1991).
1991 36.   J. Juárez‑Islas, J.L. Albarrán, B. Campillo and L. Martínez, Quasicrystals in Al‑Mn and Al‑Mn‑Si Alloys,  Journal of Materials Science Letters , 10, 176, (1991).
1990 35.   L. Martínez and V. Castaño, Analysis of the Asymmetrical Growth of 1‑2‑3 High‑Tc Ceramic Crystals, Materials Letters, 9(10), 369, (1990).
1990 34.   V. Castaño and L. Martínez, The Role of Materials Science after the Mexico City Earthquakes in 1985, Journal of Materials Research, 5(3), 658, (1990).
1989 33.   L. Martínez, L. Vázquez, J.L. Albárran, J. Fuentes, E. Carrillo, A. Mendoza, E. Orozco, J.G. Pérez, R. Pérez, L. Cota, J.L. Boldú y M.J. Yacamán, A Study of Grain and Void Growth in the Superconductor GdBaCuO‑x, Materials Science and Engineering, A110, 217, (1989).
1989 32.   B. Campillo, J.L. Albarrán, F. Estévez, D. López and L. Martínez, Precipitation of Niobium Nitrides in a High Nitrogen HSLA Steel, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 23,1363, (1989).
1989 31.   J. H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, Crack‑Like Creep Cavitation in a Nickel Aluminide, Acta Metallurgica, 37, 2237 (1989).
1989 30.   J.L. Albarrán, B. Campillo, F. Estévez and L. Martínez, A Study of the Effect of Nitrogen in Two Niobium Microalloyed Steels, Scripta Metallurgica, 23, 1099, (1989).
1989 29.   L. Martínez and J. H. Schneibel, Influencing the Shape of Creep Cavities in Nickel Aluminides by Stress Changes, Journal of Materials Research, 4(6), 1379, (1989).
1988 28.   L. Cota, L. Morales, G. Hirata, L. Martínez, E. Orozco, E. Carrillo, A. Mendoza, J.L. Albarrán, J. Fuentes, J.L. Boldú, J.G. Pérez, R. Pérez, J. Reyes, M. Avalos y M.J. Yacamán, Scanning Auger Microscopy Analysis of 90K YBaCuO Superconductors, Journal of Materials Research, 3(3), 417, (1988).
1988 27.   E. Adem, L. Martínez, J. Rickards, E. Orozco, J. Fuentes, J.L. Albarrán, A. Mendoza, E. Carrillo, L. Cota, J. Reyes, J.L. Boldú, R. Pérez, J.G. Pérez and M.J. Yacamán, The Effect of Electron Irradiation in High‑ Tc Oxide Supercoductors, Journal of Materials Research, 3(5), 807, (1988).
1988 26.   E. Carrillo, E. Orozco, J. Fuentes, A. Mendoza, J. Reyes, L. Martínez, R. Pérez, A. García, PP.S. Schabes, D. Acosta and M.J. Yacamán, Structural Characteristics of the New High Tc Superconducting Phase BiSrCaCuO‑x, Modern Physics Letters B, 2(6), 841, (1988).
1988 25.   L. Martínez, J.L. Albarrán, S. Valdés and J. Fuentes, Hardness Response of YBaCuO‑x, Physica C, 152,518,  (1988).
1988 24.   O.R. Arzate and L. Martínez, Creep Cavitation in Type 321 Stainless Steel, Materials Science and Engineering, 101, 1, (1988).
1988 23.   J. Soullard, L. Martínez and J.H. Schneibel, Effect of Antimony on the Creep Fracture of Stainless Steel, Metallurgical Transactions, 19A, 571, (1988).
1987 22.   J.H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, Stochastic Processes in Creep Cavitation, Metallurgical Transactions, 18A, 1835, (1987).
1987 21.   J. H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, The Limitations of the Chen and Argon and Martínez and Nix Models for Intergranular Cavity Growth, Scripta  Metallurgica, 21, 495, (1987).
1987 20.   F. Estévez y L. Martínez, Varilla de Acero de Alta Ductilidad, Soldable, para la Construcción en las Zonas Sísmicas Mexicanas, Siderurgia Latinoamericana, 329, 42, (1987).
1987 19.   L. Martínez, J.L. Albarrán and J. Fuentes, Lessons in Welding from the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake, Welding Journal, 66(3), 23, (1987).
1987 18.   J.G. Pérez, R. Pérez, A. Gómez, L. Cota, L. Martínez, R.Herrera and M.J. Yacamán, An Investigation on the Al‑Mn Alloy and its Quasicrystalline Phases, Journal of Materials Research,2, 153, (1987).
1987 17.   L. Martínez and L.F. Magaña, On the Minimum Number of Class Divisions to Pass from two to three Dimensional Particle Size Distributions, Revista Mexicana de Física, 33,35, (1987).
1987 16.   L. Martínez, J. Fuentes and V.H. Tapia, Cavity Sintering in Pure Nickel,  Acta Metallurgica, 35, 1543, (1987).
1987 15.   L. Martínez, Two Dimensional Model for Intergranular Void Elimination by Hot Isostatic Pressure, Revista Mexicana de Física, 33, 83, (1987).
1986 14.   E. Blaistein and L. Martínez, Correlated Walk Model of Diffusion in Binary Solid Solutions, Acta Sudamericana de Química, 6, 1, (1986).
1986 13.   J.H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, Determination of Cavity Growth Rates from Cavity‑Size Distributions, Philosophical Magazine A, 54, (1986).
1986 12.   J.G. Pérez, L. Martínez, L. Cota, J.L. Albarrán and M.J. Yacamán, Characterization of Al‑Mn Alloys Using Auger,  X‑ray and TEM Techniques, Scripta Metallurgica, 20, 881, (1986).
1985 11.   R. Trejo, L. Cota, L. Martínez, L. Morales and J.Rickards, An Auger Electron Study of Nitrogen in Ion Nitrided Steels, Scripta Metallurgica, 19, 1297, (1985).
1985 10.   L. Martínez and J.H. Schneibel, Comments on "A New Method for the Determination of the Precipitate Matrix Interfacial Energy", Scripta Metallurgica, 19, 1015, (1985).
1985 9.       J. Soullard, L. Martínez and J. Oseguera, Experimental Study of the Evolution of a Cavity Radius Distributions During Creep, Scripta Metallurgica, 15, 757, (1985).
1985 8.       L. Martínez and J. H. Schneibel, A Method to Determine Surface Free Energies from Cavity Radius Distributions, Philosophical Magazine A, 51, L29, (1985).
1983 7.       L. Martínez, Análisis Energético de un Mecanismo de Fractura por Termofluencia, Revista Mexicana de Física, 30,91, (1983).
1983 6.       L. Martínez, Envelopes of Crack‑Like Surfaces for Modeling Cavity Growth, Metallurgical Transactions, 15A, 91, (1983).
1983 5.       J. Fuentes, J. Ramírez y L. Martínez, Diseño y Construcción de una Máquina de Termofluencia, Instrumentación y Desarrollo, 3, 17, (1983).
1983 4.       J.S. Wang, L. Martínez and W.D. Nix, A Study of Intergranular Cavity Growth  Controlled by the Coupling of Diffusion and Power Law Creep,  Acta Metallurgica, 31,873, (1983).
1982 3.       L. Martínez and W.D. Nix, A Numerical Study of Cavity Growth Controlled by Coupled Surface and Grain Boundary Diffusion Metallurgical Transactions, 13A, 427, (1982).
1981 2.       L. Martínez and W.D. Nix, Effects of Capillarity on Intergranular Cavity Growth Controlled by Diffusion and Plasticity, Scripta Metallurgica, 15, 757, (1981).
1981 1.       L. Martínez and W.D. Nix,, An Analysis of Transient Cavity Growth Controlled by Grain Boundary Diffusion, Metallurgical Transactions, 12A, 23, (1981).




  • J.H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, in Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, edited by B. Wilshire and R.W. Evans. The Institute of Metals, London, pp. 203, (1987).
  • J.H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, in Flow and Fracture of Intermetallic Compounds, Materials Research Society Proceedings Series, Pittsburgh, pp. 297 (1987).
  • L. Martínez and F. Estévez,  A Study of the Rebar Steels in Mexico after the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake, Southwest Research Institute, Vol. II, pp. 24.1, (1989).
  • L. Martínez, J.L. Albarrán, S. Valdés and J. Fuentes, Mechanical Characterization in Y‑Ba‑Cu‑O, in Progress in High Tc Superconductors, World Scientific, pp. 268, (1988).
  • Carrillo, A. Mendoza, G. Pacheco, J.L. Albarrán, J. Fuentes and L. Martínez, Superconductivity and Stability in Y‑Ba‑Sr‑Cu‑O Compounds in Progress in High Tc Superconductors, World Scientific, pp. 161, (1988). 
  • Magallón, C. Molina, D. López and L. Martínez, Microalloyed Steel Rebars of 590MPa Minimum Yield Strength, Proc. of The International Conference on Processing, Microstructure and Properties of Microalloyed and Other Modern High Strength Steels,  Pittsburgh, The Iron and Steel Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, (1992), pp. 217.
  • R. Pérez, J.A. Juárez‑Islas, B. Campillo, J.L. Albarrán and L. Martínez, On the Structural Characterization of Precipitates in Boron in Microalloyed Steels, Proceedings of the 49 Annual Meeting of The Electron Microscopy Society of America, G.W. Bailey and E.L. Hall Editors, San Francisco Press, San Francisco, pp. 578‑579,  (1991).
  • R. Pérez, J.A. Juárez‑Islas, B. Campillo, J.L. Albarrán and L. Martínez, On the Phase Transformation Between the Quasicrystalline Phases in Alloys of Al‑Cu‑Fe‑Co, Proceedings of The Electron Microscopy Society of America, G. W. Bailey and E. L. Hall Editors, San Francisco Press, San Francisco, pp. 916‑917, (1991).
  • J. H. Schneibel and L. Martínez, Coble Creep, Cavity Sintering and Cavity Growth, Ceramic Transactions, Sintering of Advaced Ceramics, Vol. 7, pp.296, American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, (1992).
  • Campillo, R. Pérez and L. Martínez, Aging Embrittlement of Microalloyed Reinforcing Bars, Proc. of The First International Symposium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Aging Materials, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, pp. 71‑73, (1993).
  • L. Martínez, New Alternatives for the Steel Industry of Mexico and the USA: Microalloyed Steels, Topics in Advanced Materials, Plenum, pp. 47‑56, (1993).
  • López López, A. Wong Moreno and L. Martínez, Carburization and Corrosion of Stainless Steel Tubes at Elevated Temperatures, Corrosion 93, The NACE Annual Conference. New Orleans 1993. Paper No. 241, 241/1, 241/11, (1993).
  • J. Juárez‑Islas, J. Genescá and L. Martínez, Solidification Techniques and Electrochemical Properties of Magnesium Base Anodes, Corrosion 93, The NACE Annual Conference, New Orleans 1993. Paper No. 536, 536/1, 536/9, (1993).
  • J. J. Carpio, T. Pérez and L. Martínez, A Case Study of Severe Corrosion of a 3Km Length Bridge over Seawater. Corrosion 94, edited by NACE International, paper 288, Houston, TX, (1994).
  • Wong, Y. Mújica and L. Martínez, High Temperature Corrosion Enhanced by Residual Fuel Oil Ash Deposits. Corrosion 94, edited by NACE International, paper 185, Houston, TX (1994).
  • López, A. Wong and L. Martínez, Corrosion and Carburization in Residual Fuel Oil Fired Tubes: A Case Study. Corrosion 94, edited by NACE International, paper 183, Houston, TX(1994).
  • J.L. Albarrán, H.F. López, G. Hernández and L. Martínez, Potential Drop Measurements during Stress Corrosion of API‑X80 Pipeline Microalloyed Steel,  Corrosion 94, edited by NACE International, paper 213, Houston, TX (1994).
  • L. Martínez, G. Hernández, J.J. Carpio and C. Arganis, Weldability, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Microalloyed Reinforcingn Bars. Corrosion 94, edited by NACE International, paper 289, Houston, TX (1994).
  • R. Pérez, J. Juárez‑Islas and L. Martínez, Failures of Stainless Steel Pipes in a Direct Mill Due to Sensitization Phenomena, Corrosion 94, edited by Nace International, paper 179, Houston, TX (1994).
  • J.J. Carpio, A. Parra, L. Martínez, M.A. Mondragon and V.M. Castaño, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Marine Atmospheric Corrosion Products of Steel, Corrosion 95, edited by NACE International, paper 242, Houston, TX (1994).
  • López‑López, A. Wong‑Moreno and L. Martínez, Corrosion and Carburization of Non‑Cooled Boiler Components, Corrosion 95, edited by NACE Internationalpaper 464,  Houston, TX (1994).
  • J.L. Albarrán, L. Martínez and H.F. López, Effects of Microstructure on the Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking in a Microalloyed Pipeline Steel, Corrosion 95, edited by NACE Internationalpaper 154, Houston, TX (1994).
  • J. Porcayo-Calderón, S. D'Granda and L. Martínez, High Temperature Corrosion of Silicon Based Thermally Sprayed Coatings in Utiliy Boiler Components, Corrosion 95, edited by NACE International, paper 466, Houston, TX (1995).
  • M. Schorr, J.J. Carpio and L. Martínez, Preservation of the Infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico, Corrosion 95, edited by NACE International, paper 22, Houston, TX (1995).
  • Wong‑Moreno, D. López-López and L. Martínez, Oil Ash Corrosion of MA956 at High Temperatures, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Heat‑Resistant Materials, pp. 233‑242. Gatlinburgh, Tennessee, 11‑14, (1995).
  • J. Porcayo‑Calderón, J.G. González‑Rodríguez and L. Martínez, Performance of Heat‑Resistant Silicon Based Coatings on Plain Carbon Steel Components in Corrosive Enviroments, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Heat‑Resistant Materials, pp. 427‑435 Gatlinburgh, Tennessee, 11‑14, (1995).
  • Wong‑Moreno, D. López‑López, A. Gutiérrez and L. Martínez, Corrosion of High Chromium alloys by Sulfated Slags at Elevated Temperatures, Corrosion 96, paper 168, Denver, CO,  (1996).
  • J.L. Albarrán, L. Martínez, and H.F. López, A Study of Crack Growth in Heat Affected  Zones Produced by Welding in a Microalloyed Pipeline Steel Under SCC Conditions, Corrosion 96, edited by NACE  International,  paper 252,  Denver, CO,  (1996).
  • R. Pérez, A. Zaragoza‑Ayala, N. Acuña and L. Martínez, Microstructural and Chemical Characterization of MIC Products in Stainless Steel Probes Under the Action of the Sea Water Using SEM and AFM Techniques, The NACE International  Conference,  Corrosion 96, edited by NACE International, paper 282, Denver, CO,  (1996).
  • Campillo, C. Rodríguez, J.Juárez-Islas and L. Martínez, An Improvement of the Anodic Efficiency of Commercial Mg Anodes,  Corrosion 96 edited by NACE International, paper 201, Denver, CO  (1996).
  • Lopez‑Lopez, A. Wong‑Moreno and L. Martínez, Failure of Oil‑Fired Boiler Waterwall Tubes Due to Intergranular Corrosion‑Fatigue Process: A Case Study, Corrosion 96, edited by NACE International, paper 536,  Denver, CO,  (1996).
  • L. Martínez, M. Amaya, O. Flores, D. Lawrynowics and E. Lavernia, High Temperature Fracture During Forging of FeAl Intermetallic Alloys Fabricated Using Spray Atomization Alumina Particulate, Creep and fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Edited by J.C. Earthman and F.A. Mohamed, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 1997.
  • M. Amaya, J. Porcayo Caldero and L. Martinez. High temperature corrosion of spray-atomized FeAl in molten salts (80%V2O5-20%NaSO4) relationship between corrosion rate-protective oxide dissolution.3rd NACE Latin American Corrosion Congress 1998. Latincorr98, Cancún, México. 31 august to 4th September 1998. Syposium 6.
  • López L.; A. Wong M.; L. Martínez G.; A. Velasco T.; R. Viramontes B. Aging of a Heat Resistant Alloy. 19th ASM Heat Treating Society Conference Proceedings Including Steel Heat Treating in the New Millennium.  An International Symposium in Honor of Professor George Krauss. 1-4 November 1999.  Edited by Sandra J. Midea and George D. Pfaffmann.
  • Electrochemical Noise in Assessing MIC in Offshore Injection Systems. M. Amaya, J.M. Romero, E, Garcia, L. Martinez. CORROSION 2001. NACE´s Annual Conference, Symposium T-3J. Paper No. 269. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion, March 11-16, Houston, Texas. USA. 2001.
  • Study of Microbial Consortia Associated to Corrosion in Seawater Injection Systems. J.M. Romero, M. Amaya, L. Martinez. CORROSION 2001. NACE´s Annual Conference, Symposium T-3J. Paper No. 244. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion, March 11-16, Houston, Texas. USA. 2001.
  • Aguilar, A; Albarrán, J L; Martinez, L; Lopez, H F, Effect of grain boundary chemistry on the intergranular stress corrosion cracking resistance of alloy 600 in high purity water, Corrosion 2003, San Diego, CA, USA, 16-20 Mar. 2003.
  • Corrales, C. Knight, L. M. Escalera, J. Canto, J. Godoy and L. Martinez, Uso de tecnologías avanzadas para la localización geográfica de ductos: el caso del DDV Río Los Remedios. Congreso y Expo de Ductos de PEMEX. Mérida. Noviembre 2005
  • J. Canto, H. Rivera, N. Pesce, H. C. Albaya, J. L. Luna Baez, R. Perez-Polanco, A. Alanis, J. A. Ascencio and L. Martinez-Gomez, CIS Study And Interference Root Cause Analysis of an Early External Corrosion Leakage of A Production Gas Pipeline in the gas fields in Northeast Mexico, Corrosion 2008, New Orleans, LA, NACE International, March 2008.
  • L. M. Martinez de la Escalera,  M. Paredes, A. Rios, J. A. Padilla López-Méndez, J. Genesca, J. A. Ascencio and L. Martinez-Gomez, Coatings strategy for fuel storage and energy facilities in Mexico, Corrosion 2008, New Orleans, LA, NACE International, March 2008.
  • L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, J. Canto, A. Rios, H. Carrillo, H. C. Albaya, J. A. Ascencio and L. Martínez-Gomez, Design and construction of the hybrid CP system for the Mexico City Airport jet fuel pipeline under the 100mv polarization criterion. Corrosion 2008, New Orleans, LA, NACE International, March 2008.
  • J. Canto, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, H. Rivera and A. Godoy, C. G. Lopez Andrade, E. Rodríguez Betancourt, H. C. Albaya, Norberto Pesce, J. A. Ascencio and L. Martinez-Gomez, 5,000 KM ROW CP survey analysis and the potential advantages of the -100 mv polarization criterion for the cp of aged coating oil and gas pipelines in gulf and North of Mexico. Corrosion 2008, New Orleans, LA, NACE International, March 2008.
  • W Villamizar, C. S. Magaña, H. Chow, G. Gonzalez Rodriguez, M. Casales, L. Martinez Gómez, Real time corrosion monitoring to assess the corrosivity of oil water mixtures and the kinetics of the response to imidazoline based corrosion inhibitors, Corrosion 2008, New Orleans, LA, NACE International, March 2008.
  • J. M. Zagal, H. F. Lopez, O. Flores, A. Aguilar, 3, B. Campillo, L. Martinez, Hydrogen Permeation in Inconel Alloy 690: Heat Treatment Effects. International Hydrogen Conference, Effects of Hydrogen on Materials, September 7-10, 2008, Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA.
  • J. M. Zagal, H. F. Lopez, O. Flores, A. Aguilar, B. Campillo, L. Martinez, Hydrogen Permeation in Inconel Alloy 690:  Plastic Strainning Effects.2008. International Hydrogen Conference International Hydrogen Conference, Effects of Hydrogen on Materials, September 7-10, 2008, Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA.
  • K. Cedano, M. Martinez, A. Del Rio and L. Martinez, Achieving Knowledge-Creating Companies in Mexico: the Advantage of University-Industry Alliances,
  • The 13th World Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, July 10-13, 2009, Orlando, Florida 2009.
  • Godoy, R. Ramírez, L. De Silva Muñoz, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, H. Rivera, J. Canto, C. Lopez Andrade, C. Knight, J. A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez, Numerical modeling of cathodic protection system looking for present condition evaluation and improvement of pipeline network at Manzanillo, Mexico. CORROSION 2010, NACE International, San Antonio. Marzo 2010.
  • A. Godoy, J Canto, R Ramírez, H Rivera, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, J. A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez. Numerical modeling for CP diagnosis and solutions to interference problems in shore fuel oil and gas pipeline networks in the Pacific coast of Mexico. CORROSION 2010, NACE International, San Antonio. Marzo 2010.
  • L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, O. Álvarez, J. Canto, H. Rivera, A. Godoy, H. E. Ventura, J. A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez. Diagnosis, numerical modeling and development of the Cathodic Protection refurbishing of the metal sheet piling of the docks of Quetzal marine terminal in Guatemala. CORROSION 2010, NACE International, San Antonio. Marzo 2010.
  • J. Canto, E. Maya, L. M. Martínez de la Escalera, C. López Andrade, C. Knight, J. A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez. Engineering the rehabilitation  of  reinforced concrete structures in gas and fuel oil distribution docks of the Pacific coast of Mexico.  CORROSION 2010, NACE International, San Antonio. Marzo 2010.
  • Fernández Lagos, C. Sanchez Magaña, M. A. Lopez, J. Padilla, J. Canto, W. Villamizar, L. M. Martínez de La Escalera, J. A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez. Study of delamination failure in a three layer coating of a 24” gas pipeline in Veracruz, South East México.  CORROSION 2010, NACE International, San Antonio. Marzo 2010.
  • Rivera, C. Mares, J. Canto, C. G. López, C. H. Knight, J. H. Jiménez González, G. Corrales González, J A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez. Guided waves methodology application in the analysis of pipeline integrity of docks along the Pacific and Gulf coasts of Mexico. CORROSION 2010, NACE International, San Antonio. Marzo 2010.
  • Fernandez Lagos, E. Gómez Zapata, JC.C. Sanchez Ghenno, R. Carvallo Gajardo, N. Aymamí Guevara, A.R. Parrilla, D. M. Martinez de la Escalera, L. Martínez Gómez, Competence development and Operator Qualification in oil and gas operations in Mexico. Rio Pipeline Conference&Expo. Instituto Brasileiro del Petróleo-American Society of MechanicalEngineers. Sep. 2011.
  • Ríos Galván,  L. M. Martínez de la Escalera,  J. Cantó, A. Godoy and L.  Martínez Gómez. Pipeline and tank integrity management and cathodic protection for the network of jet fuel supply stations of the airports of Mexico, Rio Pipeline Conference&Expo. Instituto Brasileiro del Petróleo-American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Sep. 2011.
  • Cantó, L. M. Martínez, H. Rivera, A. Godoy, L. De-Silva, L. Martínez Gómez. Pipeline and storage integrity assessment, magnetic flux measurements, computer modeling and corrosion control strategies for pumping and distribution station in East Mexico. Rio Pipeline Conference & Expo, Instituto Brasileiro del Petróleo-American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Sep. 2011.
  • Rivera, L. M. Martínez, J. Cantó, L. Martínez-Gomez “Development of a Methodology for predicting the behavior of electric current In metallic structures under the influence of cathodic protection systems. Rio Pipeline  Conference & Expo. Instituto Brasileiro del Petróleo-American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Sep. 2011.
  • Maya, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, J. Canto, J. A. Ascencio, L. De Silva-Munoz, M. V. Morales, L. Martínez Gómez, Inspection, diagnosis, materials and processing methods to repair the commercial dock in Puerto Quetzal Guatemala, NACE Corrosion 2011, Houston. Paper 13497.
  • Godoy, L. de Silva-Munoz, F. Rubi, A. de León Ibarra, L. M. Martinez-dela-Escalera, J. Canto, J. A. Ascencio, and L. Martínez Gomez. Likelihood evaluation of pipelines corrosion in the Mexican soil assisted by geographic information systems, NACE Corrosion 2011, Houston. Paper 19541.
  • Rivera, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, A. Godoy, C. G. Lopez Andrade, L. De Silva-Muñoz, J. Canto, J. A. Ascencio, C.H. Knight, J. A. Padilla, L. Martínez Gómez, Corrosion damage assessment and numerical modeling assisted design of the cathodic protection for a dry dock serving large vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. NACE Corrosion 2011, Houston. Paper 8831.
  • Canto, L. M. Martinez dela Escalera, A. Godoy, F. Rubi, H. Rivera, J. A. Ascencio, Leonardo De Silva-Munoz, Lorenzo Martínez. Development of devices to prevent vandalism over cathodic protection components in social conflicted regions. NACE Corrosion 2011, Houston.
  • L. Martínez Gómez. Development of surfactants for ASP formulations based on native vegetal oils aimed to a pilot test of chemical flooding EOR in Mexico. SPE Applied Technology Workshop. “Chemical Flooding - EOR” Penang, Malaysia. 13 – 16 May 2012.
  • L.M. Rivera Grau, M. Casales, D.M. Ortega-Toledo, J.A. Ascencio, J. Chacón-Nava  I. Regla, D. Cuervo, M.P. Lopez, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera and L. Martínez-Gomez, EVALUATION OF A CO2-H2S CRUDE OIL CORROSION INHIBITOR FORMULATION BASED ON A VEGETAL OIL MODIFIED IMIDAZOLINE, Corrosion 2012, NACE International, Houston.
  • R. Soto – Espitia, J.R. Vázquez Gónzalez, L. Mártinez-Gomez, Monitoring integrity and corrosion damage on cable stayed bridge “Jaime Dovali” Mexico, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability – Biondini & Frangopol (Eds), © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62124-3. Pp. 3843-3847.
  • R Soto-Espitia, JR Vázquez, S Ascencio, L. M.  Martínez de La Escalera, L. Martínez-Gómez  Field Experiences in Corrosion Diagnosis and Remediation Solutions for the Bridge Infrastructure of México. NACE Corrosion 2012. Salt Lake, NACE International.
  • J. Padilla, R. Benedith, L. Martinez Gomez, Luis Koloffon. Performance of Engineered Polymers and Nonmetallic Materials in Oil and Gas Premature Coating Failure of a Tank Lining System. Corrosion 2014. NACE International. San Antonio. Marzo 2014.
  • H. Castaneda Lopez, A. Yajima, R. Liang, L. Martinez Gomez. Validation for Macro Modeling Concept for the Soil/Coating External Corrosion for ECDA process by using statistical tools. Corrosion 2014. NACE International. San Antonio. Marzo 2014.
  • J. Padilla, A. Godoy Simon, L. M. Martinez de la Escalera, A. Alva, L. Martinez Gomez. Analysis of Digital Images During the Assessment of the Results of the Pull-Off Adhesion Tests During the Coating Evaluation of the Fernando Espinosa Bridge. Corrosion 2014. NACE International. San Antonio. Marzo 2014.
  • A-García-Hernández, J.L. Martinez and L. Martinez, A new risk and reliability model for compressor and pump installations. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition GT2014, June 16 – 20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • J.L. Martinez Gonzalez, E. Rodriguez Betancourt, R. Ramirez, A. Godoy and L. Martinez, PIPELINES RISK AND INTEGRITY MANAGAMENT IN SHARED RIGHT OF WAY: CASE STUDY. Proceedings of the 2014 10th International Pipeline Conference 2014, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 2014.