Trabajos presentados en congresos
Pláticas Invitadas en Conferencias Internacionales
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide, XII International Symposium on Gas Kinetics Reading, Inglaterra, Julio 1992
Presentaciones Orales en Conferencias Internacionales
- On Two–Electron Phenomena in Molecular Photoexcitation and Photoionization, México–USA Symposium on Two–electron Phenomena Cocoyoc, México, Enero 1986
- Photodissociation and Photoionization of Nitrogen Dioxide. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, Escuela Latinoamericana de Física, IVIC Caracas, Venezuela, 23 Julio–3 Agosto l990
- Excited and Ionized States of Nitrogen Dioxide: An Ab–initio CI Study, Third US/MEXICO Atomic and Molecular Physics Workshop Cocoyoc, México, 13–16 Marzo 1991
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Species: Application to Global Change and Air Pollution, Optical Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring McLean, Virginia, USA, Noviembre 6–10 1994
- Valence and Rydberg States of NH. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, 50th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, Julio 12–16 1995
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Species: Application to Global Change and Air Pollution, 50th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, Junio 12–16 1995
- Optical Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds, 2nd Iberoamerican Conference on Optics Guanajuato, México, Septiembre 18–22 1995
- Optical Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds, ”Cours de Recherche Européen sur les Atmosphères”, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Francia, Febrero 4 1998
- New Bound Electronic States of NH+, Fourth International Conference on Theoretical Chemical Physics, Marly–le–Roi, Francia, Julio 9–16 2002
- The Ring and Open Isomers of Ozone, European–American EGS–AGU–EUG Joint Assembly 2003 Niza, Francia, Abril 6–11 2003
- An Overview of Global Warming, Humboldt–Kolleg. Colloque Guerre et Paix: Le role de la science et de l’art, Goethe–Institut, Paris, Francia, 19–21 noviembre 2007
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O$_2$ and O$_2^+$, 69th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, Illinois, USA, 16-20 junio 2014
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O$_2$ and O$_2^+$, 13th International HITRAN Conference, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 23-25 junio 2014
Posters Presentados en Conferencias Internationales
- Estados Singuletes Excitados de HCN, VIII Coloquio Internacional de Químicos Teóricos de Expresión Latina, Salamanca, Espa˜na, Septiembre 1977
- On the Information Afforded by Potential Energy Sufaces in Triatomic Systems, International Workshop on the Application of Synchrotron Radiation, Orsay, Francia, Diciembre 1978
- Surfaces de Potentiel des Plus Bas états électroniques des Molécules Interstellaires HCN et HNC, Journées d’Etude sur l’Application de la Spectroscopie Moléculaire a l’Astrophysique et aux Atmosphères Planétaires Observatoire de Meudon, Francia, Abril 1979
- Dissociation et Isomérisation dans les états de Valence de HCN. X Colloque International des Chimistes Théoriciens d’Expression Latine Ginebra, Suiza, Septiembre 1979
- SCF–CI Potential Energy Surfaces for the H–(CN) Dissociation and HCN ${\leftrightarrow}$ HNC Isomerization in the Low–Lying Singlet States, III International Congress on Quantum Chemistry Kyoto, Japón, Octubre 1979
- On the Anomalous Production of CN (X$^2$${\Sigma}^+$) in Photodissociation of XCN Molecules, European Conference on the Dynamics of Excited States Pisa, Italia, Abril 1980
- La Formación de CN(X$^2$${\Sigma}^+$) en la Fotodisociación de HCN, XII Congrés dels Quimics Teorics d’Expressio Llatina Barcelona, España, Septiembre 1981
- Pseudopotential CI Calculations on Excited and Ionized States of Cyanogen Halides, IV International Congress on Quantum Chemistry Uppsala, Suecia, Junio 1982
- Pseudopotential CI Calculations on Cyanogen Halides, NATO–ASI on Photophysics and Photochemistry in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Lake Geneve, Wisconsin, USA, Agosto 1982
- Potential Energy Curves for the Study of the Renner–Teller Effect in the 1$^2$${\Pi}$ (X$^2$A$^{\prime\prime}$,1$^2$A$^\prime$) Electronic State of HO2, 18 Symposium für Theoretische Chemie Schladming, Austria, Septiembre 1982
- Potential Energy Curves for the Study of the Renner–Teller Effect in the 1$^2$${\Pi}$ (X$^2$A$^{\prime\prime}$,1$^2$A$^\prime$) Electronic State of HO2, 3 Congresso dei Chimici Teorici di Espressione Latina Cerdeña, Italia, Octubre 1982
- MRD–CI Calculations on HO2 and HO+2, XVI International Symposium on Free Radicals Ottignies, Belgica, Septiembre 1983
- MRD–CI Calculations of the Electronic States of HC$_2$, 19 Symposium f¨ur Theoretische Chemie Mülheim, Alemania, Octubre 1983
- MRD–CI Calculations on the Electronic States of HO2, HO+2 and HO-2, 1984 American Chemical Society Annual Meeting Filadelfia, EUA, Agosto 1984
- MRD–CI Study of the Photodissociation of HO2 into OH (X$^2$${\Pi}$) + O (${}^3$P,${}^1$D), 17th International Symposium on Free Radicals Granby, Colorado, USA, Agosto 1985
- MRD–CI Study on the Photodissociation of HO2 into OH (X$^2$${\Pi}$) + O (${}^3$P,${}^1$D), 5th International Congress on Quantum Chemistry Montreal, Canada, Agosto 1985
- MRD–CI Study on the Photodissociation of HO2 into OH (X$^2$${\Pi}$) + O (${}^3$P,${}^1$D), 5th ICQC Satellite Symposium on Molecular Structure and Chemical Reactivity, Toronto, Canada, Agosto 1985
- Understanding the HO2 Photodissociation: The Contribution of MRD–CI Electronic Structure Calculations, ACS Workshop on the Interface Between Electronic Structure and Dynamics Utah, USA, Abril 1986
- Relevant Features of the HO2 Photochemistry, 17th Informal Conference on Photochemistry Boulder, Colorado, USA, Junio 1986
- The Photodissociation of HO2. An Insight Based on MRD–CI Electronic Structure Calculations, Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Discussion 82: Dynamics of Molecular Photofragmentation, University of Bristol, Inglaterra, Septiembre 1986
- MRD–CI Electronic Structure Calculations on HO-2, 194th ACS Meeting, Symposium on Bound and Temporary Anions in Chemical Systems, Nueva Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Septiembre 1987
- Cálculos Ab–initio CI de Iones Negativos, VI Escuela Latinoamericana de Química Teórica Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Septiembre 1988
- Study on Atmospheric Spectroscopy, 1ra Conferencia Latino–Americana de Geofísica Espacial Aguas de Lindoia, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 20–26 Noviembre 1988
- The Electronic Structure of Nitrogen Dioxide, The l989 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 17–23 Diciembre l989
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide. An Ab–Initio MRD–CI Study, XIX Informal Conference on Photochemistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 24–29 Junio l990
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, XIV International Conference on Photochemistry Paris, Francia, 28 Julio–Agosto 2 1991
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide, Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 7–12 Marzo 1993
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide, Gordon Research Conference Atmospheric Chemistry Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, 21–25 Julio 1993
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide, XXI Informal Conference on Photochemistry York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 15–20 Mayo 1994
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Species: Application to Global Change and Air Pollution, First NAFTA Meeting Emerging Clean Air Technologies and Business Opportunities Toronto, Canada, Septiembre 25–30 1994
- Optical Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds, 89th Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, Nashville, Tenneesse, USA, Junio 23–28 1996
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Species: Application to Global Change and Air Pollution, World Meteorological Organization Workshop ”Measurements of Cloud Properties for Forcasts of Weather, Air Quality and Climate”, Unidad de Seminarios Ignacio Chavez, UNAM, México D.F. 23–27 Junio 1997
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds: Application to Global Change, International HITRAN Database Conference, Air Force Research Laboratory, US Air Force Base, Hanscom, Massachussetts, USA, 23–25 Septiembre 1998
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds: Application to Global Change, Conference Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications (ASA–99), Reims, Francia, Septiembre 1–3, 1999
- The Photoelectron Spectrum of NO2. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, Conference Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications (ASA–99), Reims, Francia, Septiembre 1–3, 1999
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds: Application to Global Change, The Sixteenth Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Dijon, Francia, Septiembre 6–10, 1999
- The Photoelectron Spectrum of NO2. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, The Sixteenth Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Dijon, Francia, Septiembre 6–10, 1999
- FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds: Application to Global Change, ”III Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics”, México D.F., México, Noviembre 8–13, 1999
- The Photoelectron Spectrum of NO2. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, ”III Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics”, México, D.F., Noviembre 8–13, 1999
- The Electronic Structure of NO+2 . An Ab–Initio MRD–CI Study, 17th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Nijmegen, Holanda, Septiembre 8–13 2001
- The Vertical Excitation Spectrum of Ozone: Valence and Rydberg States, Fourth International Conference on Theoretical Chemical Physics, Marly–le–Roi, Francia, Julio 9–16 2002
- The Vertical Excitation Spectrum of Ozone, European–American Geophysical Societies EGS–AGU–EUG Joint Assembly 2003 Niza, Francia, Abril 6–11 2003
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of NH+, 60th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Junio 20–24 2005
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of NH+, 7th Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications (ASA05) Reims, Francia, Septiembre 6–8 2005
- Rydberg and Valence States of CH, 7th Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications (ASA05) Reims, Francia, Septiembre 6–8 2005
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of NH+, 19th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HIRMS) Salamanca, Espa˜na, Septiembre 11–16 2005
- Rydberg and Valence States of CH, 19th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (HIRMS) Salamanca, Espa˜na, Septiembre 11–16 2005
- Insight into the Rydberg States of CH, 19th International Conference on High ResolutionMOlecular Spectroscopy (PRAHA06) Praga, Rep´ublica Checa, Agosto 29–Septiembre 3 2006
- VUV Spectroscopy of CH, 20th Colloquium on High–Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, Francia, Septiembre 2–7 2007
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of CO, LATSIS Symposium “Intramolecular Dynamics, Symmetry and Spectroscopy”, ETH, Zurich, Suiza, Septiembre 6–10 2008
- Rydberg and Valence States of CO in the Far–UV, 21st Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Castellammare di Stabia, Italia, Agosto 30 a Septiembre 4 2009
- Rydberg and Valence States of CO in the Far–UV, Workshop New Experimental and Theoretical Developments in Molecular Spectroscopy: Atmospheric and Astrophysical Applications Synchrotron SOLEIL, Saint Aubin, Francia, Noviembre 22–23 2010
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of HCl, 22nd Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Universidad de Bourgogne, Dijon, Francia, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre 2011
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O2 and O+2, The 13th National Conference on Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics, Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui, China, 23 al 28 de agosto 2013
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O+2, Gordon Research Conference (GRC) Photoionization & Photodetachment: Probing Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics, Galveston, Texas, USA, 23 al 28 de enero 2014
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O2 and O+2, 69th ISMS, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaigne, Illinois, USA, 15–20 junio 2014
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O2 and O+2, 13th International HITRAN Conference, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 23-25 junio 2014
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of O2 and O+2. 23th ICHRMS, Universit`a di Bologna, Bologna, Italia, 2–6 septiembre 2014
Presentaciones Orales en México
- Estudio Teórico de la Espectroscopía y Fotoquímica del HO2,VII Congreso Anual de Química Inorgánica Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, 20–22 Junio 1985
- Cálculo del Espectro de Fotoelectrones del HO-2, V Simposium Nacional de Química Teórica México, D.F., Diciembre 1987
- Cálculos Ab–initio CI de Iones Negativos, XXXII Congreso Nacional de Física León, Guanajuato, México, 23–27 Octubre 1989
- La Estructura Electrónica del NO2, XXXII Congreso Nacional de Física León, Guanajuato, México, 23–27 Octubre 1989
- Cambio Global: La medición de Compuestos Atmosféricos, VII Congreso Nacional de Meteorología Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, 24–27 Octubre 1995
- Contaminación Atmosférica Urbana, Primera Reunión Regional Sobre Educación Superior, Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable (D.F., Estado de México, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Morelos) Oaxtepec, Morelos, 1–3 Diciembre, 1997.
- El Hoyo de Ozono en Antártica, Primera Reunión Regional Sobre Educación Superior, Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable (D.F., Estado de México, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Morelos. Oaxtepec, Morelos, 1–3 Diciembre, 1997.
- El Espectro de Fotoelectrones de NO2: Un Estudio Ab–Initio, Segundo Minicongreso del CCF, Cuernavaca, Enero 26 2000
- Espectroscopía atmosférica: Hacia la Medición Remota de Compuestos Atmosféricos, Congreso de Responsables de Proyectos CONACYT, Atmósfera, Geofísica Exterior y Medio Ambiente, Morelia, Febrero 2–4 2000
- La Estructura Electrónica de NH y NH+, Congreso Interno del CCF, Cuernavaca, Marzo 19 2001
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of NH+, Congreso Interno del CCF, Cuernavaca,
- Climate Change: Past, Present and Future, Club Alexander von Humboldt, Real del Monte, Hidalgo, 3–4 de octubre 2014
Posters Presentados en México
- Estudio sobre Espectroscopía Atmosférica, Reunión de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana Colima, Colima, México, Noviembre 7–11 1988
- Estudio sobre Espectroscopía Atmosférica, Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana l989 Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, 6–11 Noviembre l989
- Técnicas Espectroscópicas para la Medición Remota de Compuestos Atmosféricos, III Seminario Internacional de Expertos en Fuentes en el Tratamiento de Efluentes Industriales y Residuos, 3–9 Abril 1997
- Valence and Rydberg States of NH: An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, ”XXIV Congreso Internacional de Químicos Teóricos de Expresión Latina” Puebla, México, Septiembre 20–25, 1998
- The Electronic Structure of NO+2: An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study, ”XXIV Congreso Internacional de Químicos Teóricos de Expresión Latina”, Puebla, México, Septiembre 20–25, 1998
- Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of CO, 1er Taller de Dinámica y Estructura Atómica, Molecular y Óptica (AMO2010) Instituto de Química, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, México D.F., Mayo 20 y 21 2010
- Espectroscopía Electrónica y Factores de Franck–Condon de CF+, 3er Taller de Dinámica y Estructura de la Materia (TaDEM2012) Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, México D.F., Mayo 24 y 25 2012
- Vibronic Oscillator Strenghts for the A1$\Pi$–X1$\Sigma$+ Band System of Carbon Monoxide, 3er Taller de Dinámica y Estructura de la Materia (TaDEM2012) Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, México D.F., Mayo 24 y 25 2012