1. SCF–CI Calculations on HCN Excited States
Vázquez G.J., Gouyet J.F., Chem. Phys. Lett., 57, 385 (1978)
2. SCF–CI Calculations on HCN: H–CN Dissociation Curves
Vázquez G.J., Gouyet J.F., Chem. Phys. Lett., 65, 515 (1979)
3. SCF–CI Potential Energy Surfaces for the HCN ↔ HNC Isomerization Reaction
Vázquez G.J., Gouyet J.F., Chem. Phys. Lett., 77, 233 (1981)
4. On the Anomalous Production of CN (X2Σ+, v < 4) in the Photodissociation of RCN
Molecules, Vázquez G.J., Il Nuovo Cimento, 63, 446 (1981)
5. MRD–CI Study of the Photodissociation of HO2 into OH (X2Π) + O (3P, 1D)
Vázquez G.J., Peyerimhoff S.D., Buenker R.J., Chem. Phys. 99, 239 (1985)
6. The Electronic Structure of HO2+. An MRD–CI Study
Vázquez G.J., Peyerimhoff S.D., Buenker R.J., Mol. Phys., 59, 291 (1986)
7. On Two–Electron Phenomena in Molecular Photoexcitation and Photoionization. An Outlook on the HO−2 , HO+2 and HO2 Species
Vázquez G.J., Notas de Física, UNAM, 10, 201–224 (1987)
8. MRD–CI Study of the Electron Affinity of HO2 and the Photodetachment Energy of HO-2, Vázquez G.J., Buenker R.J., Peyerimhoff S.D., Chem. Phys., 129, 405 (1989)
9. MRD–CI Study of the Photoelectron Spectrum of HO−2
Vázquez G.J., Buenker R.J., Peyerimhoff S.D., J. Chem. Phys., 90, 7229 (1989)
10. Temperature Dependence of the Quantum Yields for the Photolysis of NO2 Near the Dissociation Limit, Roehl C.M., Orlando J.J., Tyndall G.S., Shetter R.E.,
Vazquez G.J., Cantrell C.A., Calvert J.G., J. Phys. Chem., 98, 7837 (1994)
11. FTIR Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Species: Application to Global Change and Air Pollution,
Vázquez G.J., SPIE, 2365, 438–463 (1995)
12. Optical Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Compounds,
Vázquez G.J., SPIE, 2730, 131–149 (1996)
13. New Bound Electronic States of NH+
Amero J.M., Vázquez G.J., Int. J. Quantum Chem., 99, 353 (2004)
14. Electronic Structure of NH+: an Ab Initio Study
Amero J.M., Vázquez G.J., Int. J. Quantum Chem., 101, 396 (2005)
15. Insight into the Rydberg States of CH
Vázquez G.J., Amero J.M., Liebermann H.P., Buenker R.J., Lefebvre–Brion H.,
J. Chem. Phys., 126 (15), 164302 (2007)
16. Potential Energy Curves for the 1Σ+ and 1,3ΠStates of CO
Vázquez G.J., Amero J.M., Liebermann H.P., Lefebvre-Brion H., J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 13395 (2009)
17. An Interpretation of the Anomalous 1Π Vibronic Structure in the Far–UV Spectrum of CO
Lefebvre-Brion H., Liebermann H.P., Vázquez G.J.,
J. Chem. Phys., 132, 024311 (2010)
18. Adiabatic Versus Diabatic Descriptions of the Lowest Rydberg and Valence 1Σ+ States of HCl
Lefebvre-Brion H., Liebermann H.P., Vázquez G.J.,
J. Chem. Phys., 134, 204104 (2011)
19. Photoabsorption of Carbon Monoxide: Time–dependent Quantum Mechanical Study
Majumder M., Sathyamurthy N., Lefebvre-Brion H., Vázquez G.J.,
J. Phys. B., At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 45, 185101 (2012)
20. Interpretation of the Accidental Predissociation of the E1Π State of CO
Majumder M., Sathyamurthy N., Vázquez G.J., Lefebvre-Brion H.,
J. Chem. Phys., 140, 164303 (2014)
21. Franck Condon Factors using Supervised Artificial Neural Networks. I. The CF+ Cation
Sandoval L., Amero J.M., Vázquez G.J., Palma A.,
J. Mol. Model. (Springer Verlag), 20, 2300 (2014)
Resumenes en Memorias de Congresos
22. MRD–CI Calculations on HO2 and HO+2
Vázquez G.J., Peyerimhoff S.D., Buenker R.J., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 92, 557, (1983)
23. Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide. An Ab–initio MRD–CI Study
XII International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Reading, England, July 1992, Vázquez
G.J., Farad. Div. Roy. Soc. Chem., B5, 1–3 (1992)
24. Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Nitrogen Dioxide
Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, March 8–12
1993, Vázquez G.J., Opt. Soc. Am., Tech. Digest Series, 5, pd2-2–pd2-4 (1993)
25. NOy Chemistry, Notes in Proceedings of the NCAR Colloquium Research Problems
in Atmospheric Chemistry, Boulder, USA, June 2–14 1992,
Yukimoto T., Vázquez G.J., Veazey D., 303–313 (1993)
Otras Publicaciones (Divulgación)
26. Contaminación Atmosférica Urbana, Calentamiento Global, El Niño,
Memorias de la 6a Escuela de Verano en Física,
Vázquez G.J., 152–181 (Recamier J., Editor, 1998)