Dr. Gustavo Martínez-Mekler
A multiple compartment model for the evolution of hiv-1
after highly active retroviral therapy

G.Cocho, L. Huerta, G. Martinez-Mekler y C. Villarreal
Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases Part I:
An Introduction to models, methods, and theory" editado por Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Sally Blower, Pauline van den Diressche, Denise Krischner, and Abdul-Aziz Yakubu. en prensa.
(Springer-Verlag, IMA Series Vol. 125, Nueva York) pp. 309-323.


We present a brief discussion of some basic features of HIV dynamics. Within a multiple compartment framework, we model the dynamics of HIV subsequent to the application of a highly active antriretroviral therapy (HAART) considering blood and lymphatic system compartments. We show that T-cell and HIV decay rates after HAART correspond to time dependent effective coefficients which include transfer between the compartments, stressing that a main component in the evolution of viral concentration is redistribution. In our analysis the viremia decay rate appears to be mainly determined by the effective lymph node-viral decay rate rather than by the decay constant of infected T CD4 cells. We also show that in a two type T cell model with a transition from type 1 to type 2, the more active cells with a shorter life are the porgenitors of the less active ones.