Supermassive Binary Black Holes: Loud, Hidden, Dancing Monsters

Supermassive Binary Black Holes: Loud, Hidden, Dancing Monsters

They are the loudest sources of gravitational waves.

We´ll talk about the ongoing and planned projects to hear what this monsters have to say. Where are they?

If most galaxies have a supermassive black hole in its center and galaxies do collide all the time, why are just a few binary black holes candidates?

Monsters don´t exist or is just that we cannot see them? How they look like, anyway?

And they can dance! We will follow their dynamics in their path towards coalescence.

Participante: Eva María Martínez Palafox

Institución: IA - UNAM

Lugar: Seminario de ESTUDIANTES Auditorio-ICF

Fecha y hora: Este evento terminó el Jueves, 24 de Mayo de 2012