Artículos en revistas con arbitraje indizadas (Web of Science, JCR, SCOPUS)
1.- Photoionization of Atoms
2.- Enhancement of the NORAD-Atomic-Data Database in Plasma
Liga a la publicación
3.- Electron-detachment cross sections for O- + N2 near the free-collision-model velocity threshold.
Liga a la publicación
4.- Enhancement of database NORAD-Atomic-Data for atomic processes in plasma
5.- Electron-detachment cross sections for O - + N 2 near the free-collision-model velocity threshold.
6.- "Experimental study and modeling of direct current carbon dioxide?helium?nitrogen plasma mixture".
Liga a la publicación
7.- "Experimental study and modeling of direct current carbon dioxideheliumnitrogen plasma mixture".
8.- Experimental and theoretical study of photoionization of Cl III
9.- Effect of radiation intensity on the fragmentation of furan through multiphoton ionization at 532 and 355 nm,
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10.- The quest for negative methane: The CH4- anion
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11.- Formic Acid Ionization and Fragmentation by Multiphoton Absorption
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12.- Electron detachment cross section of H- induced by collisions with O2
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13.- Electron loss of CH- and CH2- induced by interactions with N2 and O2 at keV energies
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14.- Effect of the intensity of radiation on the fragmentation of furan, through the multiphoton ionization at 532 and 355 nm.
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15.- Langmuir probe, optical, and mass characterization of a DC CO2H2 plasma
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16.- Effect of Laser Radiation on Biomolecules
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17.- Clusters formation and fragmentation of nitromethane at 266 nm
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18.- A Müller , S Schippers , R A Phaneuf, A M Covington, A Aguilar,
G Hinojosa, J Bozek, M M Sant’Anna, A S Schlachter ,
C Cisneros and B M McLaughlin.
Photoionisation of Ca+ ions in the valence energy region 20–56eV: experiment and theory. Journal of Phyics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic, Vol. 50 página 205001, 2017
Liga a la publicación
19.- S. N. Nahar, E. M. Hernández, L. Hernández,
A. Antillón,
A. Morales-Mori, O. González, A. M. Covington, K. C. Chartkunchand, D. Hanstorp,
A. M. Juárez and
G. Hinojosa. Photoionization of P II: experiment and theory, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 187, p. 215, 2017.
Liga a la publicación
20.- E. M. Hernández, L. Hernández, L. N. Serkovic-Loli, and
G. Hinojosa. Collisional induced double electron loss of NO- and CH4- anions below 10 keV energies, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 403, p. 39, 2016.
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Artículos in extenso de memorias de congresos y proceedings (No resúmenes)
1.- The interaction of 355nm laser light on Adenine and Uracil
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Artículos en revistas con arbitraje NO indizadas
1.- Photodissociation of Nitromethane using TOF Spectroscopy
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2.- Escuela de Fsica Experimental VIII- 2019,
3.- Fsica Experimental 2021