Artículos en revistas con arbitraje indizadas (Web of Science, JCR, SCOPUS)
1.- Optical emission spectroscopy and modeling of DC CO2 ? N2 ? He mixture plasma
Liga a la publicación
2.- Development of a Miniaturized 2-Joule Pulsed Plasma Source Based on Plasma Focus Technology: Applications in Extreme Condition Materials and Nanosatellite Orientation,
Liga a la publicación
3.- Hydrogen Diffusion in Nickel Superalloys: Electrochemical Permeation Study and Computational AI Predictive Modeling
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4.- Determination of the sound absorption capacity of hydraulic concrete mixtures added with waste tire rubber
Liga a la publicación
5.- Artificial neural networks for predicting potentiodynamic test of brass
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6.- Beehive wind turbine: A new design for electric power generation in urban and semi-urban zones
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7.- Development of a wind turbine using 3D printing: A prospection of electric power generation from daily commute by car
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8.- Failure Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel Implant Screws and Prospection of Chemical Composition Using Artificial Intelligence
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9.- Degradation of acid red 1 catalyzed by peroxidase activity of iron oxide nanoparticles and detected by SERS
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10.- Development of a wind turbine using 3D printing: A prospection of electric power generation from daily commute by car
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11.- Effect of the substitution of sand by rubber of waste tires on the mechanical properties of hydraulic concrete and exposure to gamma radiation
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12.- Surface Modification of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) By Corona Discharge Plasma
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13.- Surface modification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by corona discharge plasma
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14.- Título: Mapping of Radon (220Rn and 222Rn) Concentration Distribution in a Microclimate Condition Cellar Using Nuclear Track Methodology
Autores: Guillermo Espinosa, José-Ignacio Golzarri, Alfonso M. Román-Sedano, Fermín Castillo
Revista: Journal of Environmental Protection
Volumen: 10
Páginas: 919 – 928
Fecha de publicación: 2019/07/23
Liga a la publicación
15.- Leal B.,
Castillo F., Gutiérrez J., Golzarri J.I., Gamboa I., Espinosa G.,
Martínez H.
Measurements of Neutrons In A Mixed Gamma- Neutron Field Using Three Different Types of Detectors. Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications 5(1), 223–235 (2017) ISSN No. Print 2321-8649. ISSN No. Online 2321-9289
Liga a la publicación
16.- Colin J.,
Castillo F., Leal B.,
Flores O., Gamboa I.,
Martinez H.
Rubber Additions into Concrete and Gamma Radiation Effects on Mechanical Properties and Microwave Absorption Capacity. Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications5(1), 197-211 (2017). ISSN No. Print 2321-8649 ISSN No. Online 2321-9289
Liga a la publicación
17.- Pardo E., González- Rodríguez G.,
Campillo B., Castillo F., Flores O. and Martínez H.
Study of H2/N2Mixture Plasma Treatment on the AISI 1045, Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications 4 (2), 53–64 (2017) ISSN No. Print 2321-8649 ISSN No. Online 2321-9289
Liga a la publicación
18.- H. Martínez, S. Perusquía, M. Villa, P. G. Reyes, F. B. Yousif,
F. Castillo, and V. Contreras,
Study of DC Ar–CO2 mixture plasma using optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry techniques. Physics of Plasmas. 24, 043508 (2017). Print: ISSN 1070-664X. Online:ISSN 1089-7674.
Liga a la publicación
19.- F. Castillo, H. Martínez, ICF-UNAM, J.J.E. Herrera, ICN-UNAM; G. Ramos, CICATA-IPN.
The plasma focus as a tool for plasma-wall-interaction studies; Journal of Physics, 591, 012031, 2015.
20.- S. Perusquía, P.G. Reyes, FC-UAEMex;
F. Castillo, H. Martínez ICF-UNAM;
Study of the Rogowski coil response in a plasma focus device; Journal of Physics, 591, 012028, 2015.
21.- F. Castillo, J.I. Golzarri, J.J.E. Herrera,
H. Martínez, J. Rangel, G. Espinosa. Study of ions and neutrons from a dense plasma focus instrument by means of nuclear tracks detectors. Radiation Physics AIP 1607, 48-54, 2014.
22.- L.Soto, C.Pavez,
F.Castillo, F.Veloso, J.Moreno, S.K.H. Auluck . Filamentary structures in dense plasma focus: Current filaments or vortex filaments?. Physics of Plasma 21, 072702, 2014.
23.- O.Flores,
H.Martínez, M.Villa, S.Villalobos, P.G.Reyes. Characterization of direct current He-N2 mixture plasma using optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Physics of Plasma 21, 053502, 2014.
Artículos in extenso de memorias de congresos y proceedings (No resúmenes)
1.- F. Castillo1, M. Villa2,
H. Martínez1,
O. Flores1 and P. G. Reyes2. Mass spectrometry and optical emission spectroscopy studies of low-pressure gas mixture of He-N2-CO2. 27th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases. Belgrado Serbia, del 26 al 29 de Agosto 2014, p. 295-298.
2.- L. Salazar-Flores, C. Torres- Segundo, P.G. Reyes,
F. Castillo and
H. Martinez. Low-pressure plasma discharge of Ar/N2/CH4 ternary mixture: experimental
simulation of Titan’s atmosphere. Journal of Physics, 511, 012055, 2014.
3.- F. Castillo, I. Gamboa-de Buen, J.J.E. Herrera and José Rangel.
Neutron emission characterization at the FN-II Dense Plasma Focus. Journal of Physics, 511, 012021, 2014.
4.- M. Villa1, C. Torres, P. G. Reyes, D. Osorio,
F. Castillo,
H. Martínez. Characterization a low pressure of plasma of methanol (CH4O) alcohol. Journal of Physics, 511, 012019, 2014.
5.- C. Torres, P. G. Reyes, J. Mulia,
F. Castillo and
H. Martínez.Analysis of the Different Zones of Glow Discharge of Ethyl Alcohol (C2H6O). Journal of Physics, 511, 012018, 2014.
6.- A. Gomez, L.Salazar-Flores,
H. Martinez, P.G. Reyes and
F. Castillo. Experimental study of a glow discharge of CH2-Cl2. Journal of Physics, 511, 012014, 2014.
1.- Fsica Experimental 2022
Capítulos de libros
1.- . Plasmas de descarga de barrera dielctrica (DBD) y sus aplicaciones