Artículos en revistas con arbitraje indizadas (Web of Science, JCR, SCOPUS)
1.- Study of vibrations of a rectangular plate using symmetry properties
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European Journal of Physics
European Physical Society logo.
Paper The following article is Open access
Properties of classical evanescent waves obtained by using the linear independence concept
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3.- Properties of classical evanescent waves obtained by using the linear independence concept
4.- Analysis of axial waves in viscoelastic
complex structural-acoustic systems:
Theory and experiment
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5.- Experimental and Theoretical Study of Photoionization of Cl III
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6.- Properties of classical evanescent waves obtained by using the linear independence concept
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7.- Photoionization of phosphorus-like Cl III
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8.- Analysis of axial waves in visco-elasticcomplex structural-acoustic systems: Theory and experiment
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9.- S.N.Nahar, A.M.Covington, D.Kilcoyne, V.T.Davis, J.F.Thompson, .M.Hernández, A.Antillón, A.M.Juárez, A.Morales-Mori, G.Hinojosa.
Single-photon photoionization of oxygen-like Ne III
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Volume 443, Pages 61-69, 2019
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10.- J. C. Torres-Guzmán, A. Díaz-de-Anda, J. A. Otero,
A. Morales, L. Gutiérrez, G. Monsivais, and J. Flores. On the
warping of the extreme ends of a beam under flexural oscillations. Journal of Sound and Vibration 435, (2018) 234-245.
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11.- F. Ramírez-Ramírez,
R. A. Méndez-Sánchez, G. Báez,
A. Morales, L. Gutiérrez, and J. Flores.
Emulating tunneling
with elastic vibrating beams. 2018 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama), Japan, 1-4
August. IEEE Xplore (2018) 410-413
DOI / URL: DOI: 10.23919/PIERS.2018.8597751
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12.- E.M. Hernández a, h,
A.M. Juárez, A.L.D. Kilcoyne, A. Aguilar, L. Hernández,
A. Antillón, D. Macaluso,
A. Morales-Mori, O. González-Magaña, D. Hanstorp, A.M. Covington, V. Davis, D. Calabrese,
G. Hinojosa,
Absolute measurements of chlorine Cl+ cation single photoionization cross section. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 151, January 2015, Pages 217–223
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13.- A. Morales, A. Díaz-de-Anda, J. Flores,
L. Gutiérrez, R. A. Méndez-Sánchez, G. Monsivais and P. Mora. Doorway states in quasi-one-dimensional elastic systems. EPL, 99 (2012) 54002-p1,54002-p6. Publicado.
14.- A. Díaz-de-Anda, J. Flores,
L. Gutiérrez, R.A. Méndez-Sánchez, G. Monsivais.
A. Morales., Experimental study of the Timoshenko beam theory predictions. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 331, (2012), 5732-5744.
Artículos in extenso de memorias de congresos y proceedings (No resúmenes)
1.- G. Monsivais, A. Díaz-de-Anda, J. Flores,
A. Morales, and
L. Gutiérrez.
EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATION OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE TIMOSHENKO’S SECOND SPECTRUM. 14th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics - PACAM XIV. March 24-28, 2014, Santiago, Chile.