Artículos en revistas con arbitraje indizadas (Web of Science, JCR, SCOPUS)
1.- Quantum interference in the resonance fluorescence of a J=1/2-J'=1/2 atomic system: Quantum beats, nonclassicality, and non-Gaussianity.
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2.- Analysis of axial waves in viscoelastic complex structural- acoustic systems: Theory and experiment
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3.- Quantum interference in the resonance fluorescence of a J=1/2?J?=1/2 atomic system: Quantum beats, nonclassicality, and non-Gaussianity
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4.- Analysis of axial waves in visco-elastic complex structural-acoustic systems: Theory and experiment.
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5.- Quantum interference in the resonance fluorescence of a J=1/2 - J'=1/2$ atomic system: Quantum beats, nonclassicality, and non-Gaussianity.
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6.- J. C. Torres-Guzmán, A. Díaz-de-Anda, J. A. Otero,
A. Morales, L. Gutiérrez, G. Monsivais, and J. Flores. On the
warping of the extreme ends of a beam under flexural oscillations. Journal of Sound and Vibration 435, (2018) 234-245.
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7.- F. Ramírez-Ramírez,
R. A. Méndez-Sánchez, G. Báez,
A. Morales, L. Gutiérrez, and J. Flores.
Emulating tunneling
with elastic vibrating beams. 2018 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS-Toyama), Japan, 1-4
August. IEEE Xplore (2018) 410-413
DOI / URL: DOI: 10.23919/PIERS.2018.8597751
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