Artículos en revistas con arbitraje indizadas (Web of Science, JCR, SCOPUS)
1.- A novel approach using nonlinear surfaces for dynamic aperture optimization in MBA synchrotron light sources
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2.- Local structure of liquid oxygen up to supercritical conditions from ab initio pair potentials
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3.- Increasing beam stability zone in synchrotron light sources using polynomial quasi-invariants
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4.- Increasing Beam Stability Zone in Synchrotron Light Sources Using Polynomial Quasi-Invariants
5.- Local structure of liquid oxygen up to supercritical conditions from first principles
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6.- Onset of resonances by roots overlapping using quasi-invariants in nonlinear accelerator dynamics
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7.- A general purpose acetonitrile interaction potential to describe its liquid, solid and gas phases
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8.- Título: Morphology and dynamics of domains in ergosterol or cholesterol containing membranesAutores:
Arturo Galván-Hernández, Naritaka Kobayashi,
Jorge Hernández-Cobos,
Armando Antillón, Seiichiro Nakabayashi,
Iván Ortega-BlakeRevista: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - BiomembranesVolumen: 1862Páginas: 183101Fecha de publicación: 1 Febrero 2020Estatus: PUBLICADO
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9.- Título: A Molecular Dynamics Study Proposing the Existence of Statistical Structural Heterogeneity due to Chain Orientation in the POPC-cholesterol bilayer
Autores: FernandoFavela-Rosalesa,
ArturoGalván-Hernández, JorgeHernández-Cobos, Naritaka Kobayashi, Mauricio D.Carbajal-Tinoco, Seiichiro Nakabayashi,
Revista: Biophysical Chemistry
Volumen: 257
Páginas: 106275,
Fecha: Febrero 2020
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10.- Alejandro Ramirez-Solis, Jorge Iván Amaro-Estrada,
Jorge Hernández-Cobos, and Laurent Maron.
Aqueous Solvation of SmI3: A Born–Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics Density Functional Theory Cluster Approach
Inorganic chemistry 57 (5), 2843-2850 (2018)
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11.- Alejandro Ramirez-Solis, Caroline Bartulovich, Tesia V Chciuk,
Jorge Hernández-Cobos, Humberto Saint-Martin, Laurent Maron, William R Anderson, Anna M Li, Robert A Flowers,
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Implications of Halide-Dependent Aqueous Solvation of Sm(II), Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (48), pp 16731–16739 (2018)
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12.- Jorge I. Amaro-Estrada,
Jorge Hernández-Cobos, Humberto Saint-Martin, Laurent Maron, and Alejandro Ramírez-Solís,
Hydration of CH3HgOH and CH3HgCl compared to HgCl2, HgClOH, and Hg(OH)2: ADFT microsolvation cluster approach, The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 144301 (2018).
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13.- A. Ramírez-Solís, J. I. Amaro-Estrada,
C. I. León-Pimentel,
J. Hernández-Cobos, S. E. Garrido-Hoyos and
H. Saint-Martin,
On the aqueous solvation of AsO(OH)3vs. As(OH)3. Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics density functional theory cluster studies, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 16568-16578.
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14.- CI León-Pimentel, JI Amaro-Estrada,
J Hernández-Cobos, H Saint-Martin, A Ramírez-Solís,
Aqueous solvation of Mg (ii) and Ca (ii): A Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics study of microhydrated gas phase clusters, The Journal of chemical physics 148 (14), 144307 (2018).
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15.- F. Favela-Rosales,
J. Hernandez-Cobos, M.D. Carvajal-Tinoco,
I. Ortega-Blake, "
On the Coexistence of Phases of the POPC-Cholesterol System: A Molecular Dynamics Study", Biophysical Journal.
16.- Canche-Tello, J.; Vargas, M. C.;
Hérnandez-Cobos, J.; Ortega-Blake, I.; Leclercq, A.; Solari, P. L.; Lezama-Pacheco, J.; Den Auwer, C. & Mustre de Leon, J.
X-ray Accelerated Photo-Oxidation of As (III) in Solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, American Chemical Society, 2015, 119, 2829-2833
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17.- Jesus Gonzalo Canché-Tello, Maria Cristina Vargas,
Jorge Hernandez-Cobos,
Iván Ortega-Blake, Amelie Leclercq, Pier-Lorenzo Solari, Christophe Den Auwer, Jose Mustre de Leon.
Interpretation of X-ray Absorption Spectra of As (III) in Solution using Monte Carlo simulations. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2014, 118 (46), pp 10967–10973
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18.- E. Galbis,
J. Hernández-Cobos, R.R Pappalardo, E.S. Marcos.
Collecting high-order interactions in an effective pairwise intermolecular potential using the hydrated ion concept: The hydration of Cf3+. Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (21), 214104
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Ramirez-Solis, A.; Ho, M.;
Hernandez-Cobos, J.; et al.
Theoretical studies on the optimal X (OH)(3)-H2O (X = N, P, Sb) complexes: Interaction energies and topological analysis of the electronic density. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 524, 20-24 (2012).
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20.- Hernandez-Cobos, J.; Ramirez-Solis, A.; Maron, L.; et al.
Theoretical study of the aqueous solvation of HgCl2: Monte Carlo simulations using second-order Moller-Plesset-derived flexible polarizable interaction potentials.
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21.- Valdéz-González M.∗ ,
Saint-Martin, H.,
Hernández-Cobos, J., Sánchez- Marcos E., Ayala R.,
Ortega-Blake I.,
"Liquid methanol Monte Carlo simulations with refined potential which includes polarizability, non-additivity and intramolecular relaxation"
Journal of Chemical Physics
127. Art. No. 224507 (2007)
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