“Finding and modelling topological amorphous solids”

“Finding and modelling topological amorphous solids”

Topological materials are often predicted using crystal symmetries, although they don’t rely on them to exist. Our methodology thus excludes all amorphous materials, which are ubiquitous in technology and can display properties beyond those of crystals. In this talk I will present recent theoretical progress and experimental signatures of amorphous topological solids. I will discuss our proposal to predict them efficiently, and their potential to host novel and controllable topological phenomena, featuring flat-bands and gapped chiral spin-liquids.

Videoconferencia vía Zoom con transmisión vía Youtube: bit.ly/YouTube_ICF

Participante: Dr. Adolfo Grushin

Institución: Institut Néel, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Grenoble, France

Fecha y hora: Este evento terminó el Miércoles, 31 de Mayo de 2023