“Making sense of brain dynamics via complexity science: foundations, opportunities and challenges”

“Making sense of brain dynamics via complexity science: foundations, opportunities and challenges”

The human brain is a fascinating complex system whose study deeply challenges our way of tackling scientific questions, which at the same time gives rise to new data-analysis tools of great translational value for other disciplines. In this talk we present the benefits of studying the brain from a complex-systems perspective, which opens the door to a new repertoire of methods to address questions related to high-level brain functions. In particular, in this talk we explore three complementary roads of neuroimaging data analysis: the study of (i) the diversity of dynamical patterns of activity of individual parts, (ii) the structure of high-order interactions exhibited in patterns of synchronous activity at different locations, and (iii) spatio-temporal collective dynamics giving rise to emergent phenomena. We discuss theoretical and practical strengths and weaknesses of specific data-analytic tools related to these approaches, and delineate open questions for future investigations.

Videoconferencia vía Zoom con transmisión vía Youtube: bit.ly/YouTube_ICF

Participante: Dr. Fernando E. Rosas De Andraca

Institución: University of Sussex

Fecha y hora: Este evento terminó el Miércoles, 03 de Mayo de 2023