“Econophysics and the study of the Universal Statistical Properties of Financial and Socio-Economic Complex Systems Data”.

“Econophysics and the study of the Universal Statistical Properties of Financial and Socio-Economic Complex Systems Data”.

Econophysics is an emergent Science that study Economic and Social Complex Systems by means of methodologies created by physicist to study physical systems (usually with a very big number of components or particles).

In this talk is presented a brief review of Econophysics, its main areas of study and some Universal Statistical Properties of data from financial and socio-economic systems (stock market data and wealth distribution measurements). Some new empirical studies of this kind of data are also presented.

Transmisión vía Youtube en: bit.ly/YouTube_ICF

Participante: Dr. Alejandro Raúl Hernández Montoya

Institución: Universidad de Veracruz

Fecha y hora: Este evento terminó el Miércoles, 30 de Marzo de 2022